Yeah there is that about the Lax tea. I've heard it mentioned that during fasting since there are no solids in the system it doesn't react the same way where the body becomes depepdent on laxatives post fast. The jury is out on that one for me. For me personally I'll do the lax tea for the first 2 weeks then I'll cut back to every coupla days or "as needed". I've always been regular my whole life so the tea hits me pretty hard if I steep Smooth Move which is mostly Senna for the recommended 10 minutes, it will give me cramps from hell and make me very nauseaus. As a matter of fact my first MC (40dayer) I just skipped the lax tea altogether and just did the SWF which worked like a charm for me every morning.
On my next MCsomeone recommended that I steep it for less time. So I tried steeping for half the time, five minutes. While better, still made me feel crampy all day so I changed to "Get Regular" Yogi Tea. GR includes Senna but it also has other herbs. For me this tea is waaaay more palatable than the Smooth Move and is way gentler on my system. I only steep it for 3 mins max.