"Well, linenup, I had an insertive oral encounter with a female. Tested at 5 weeks, but have had swollen lymphs since then that went up and went back down. I am scared to go back for my 3-month so I am trying to get in the necessary treatment that I can."
After reading this I really think you need to chill out, especially if you have already had a neg test at 5 weeks.
Even if the girl had HIV(do you even know this?) your chance of infection is slim to none. You could probably have your dick sucked for a whole year by HIV+ hookers and you still wouldn't catch it.
For goodness sake don't waste any more money buying ozone equipment, you will be negative and go get your test done for your own peace of mind.
I think your only problem will be believing that your not actually infected once you test negative. You have to believe a negative result and don't put yourself in anymore risky situations again, there are still bad STD's other than HIV out there.
It would be ironic wouldn't it if you didn't have HIV but f***ed yourself up trying to inject something into yourself.