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MMS and Alzheimer's

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Original Hulda Clark
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oceanman Views: 14,428
Published: 15 y

MMS and Alzheimer's

Hello Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Forum,

I was drawn to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement due to the fact that my father died from early-onset Alzheimer’s. His symptoms became apparent in the early 1990’s and in 2001 he passed at young age of 59. It was ten years of hell: experimental drug trials at the University of Maryland, dashed hopes taking gingko supplements and generally watching him lose his humanity right before my eyes. I saw how stopping AD is akin to stopping a mile-long freight train that is barreling down the tracks.

I pretty much avoided thinking about AD until many years later when I an across a website that posts scientific journal articles on the possible/probable relationship between this terrible, horrific disease and borrelia spirochetes bacteria (of course this notion is flatly dismissed by the big pharma-controlled physicians). The website is
It discusses other diseases but I am only interested in the AD articles…

Shortly after finding this website I ran into Miracle-Mineral-Supplement --or rather, it ran into me. An acquaintance let me borrow Jim’s DVD. I was elated because at LAST I found something that might be able to stop AD in its tracks. Now mind you, I don’t have symptoms yet. However, the thought of possibly inheriting some sort of predisposition to AD makes me very keen on being proactive. And it made SO much sense that AD is little more than a communicable bacteriological disease and that we are probably genetically inclined to have a weakness to it.

Since about three years ago I have taken MMS on and off. Usually taking an average of 8-10 drops/day (at night before bed on empty stomach) for a period of 2-3 weeks. Then not using it for a few months. The most tangible result that I have had is at the beginning of the dosage period. And this has been the elimination of the brain fog. Occasionally I have awakened with diarrhea but no other problems worth noting. I just got back my annual physical results (I’m 39) and my kidney function is fine. Beyond this, I am not sure. I do not know how much MMS it might take to kill off this bug. Some people tell me not to do MMS for possible AD infection. However, the doctors have no better ideas other to take a “wait and see” approach--at which point drugs can be prescribed…NO THANKS.

So here I am with MMS. Hoping to wipe out a disease that I don’t even know that I have.

Radiant Health to All,



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