Re: Insomnia????
Well that didnt last long. I may check into time released melatonin. I could not get back to sleep last night whatsoever. I go to sleep but 3 am again. I am so sick of this. Yes I know my adrenals are burnt out but I dont get a bunch of time to relax I have a 3.5yr old ADHD child and no relaxition and not much of a break.
I may have to try the adrenal gladulars again...I was taking them. That if I can find a way to get a hair anlysis cause I am tired of this broke, etc...I am way to stressed for my age!
Sorry..I gave in a took an extra seroquel last night. I dont want it to become a habit. As for klonopin that is the least of my worries as I cant do it right now.
When my doctor checked my cortisol a few months was sky yes but relaxation doesnt come easy when I dont get a break from my kid, money, helping my huband with congestive heart failure...well I could go on..Tired of this stuff. If money wasnt an issue I would see a naturapathic physician instead of experimenting.
Thank God for Cayenne it gives me the boost I need in the morning.
Did I forget to mention to my insomnia gets worse before my period. Sometimes 2 weeks before......I am soooo confused!
I need to find a way to get the proper tests so I can get an idea of what the heck is going on. I thought I had Copper overload but reading the book Prescription for nutriotional healing sounds like copper defiency can lead to insomnia so WTH??
Sorry venting...:(