Nuts. My IBFFL has confided information that is not matching up with your scenarios Spudlydoo. I heard 12,000 years ago. UK. Your information skews this. It makes me question whether what I am hearing is true or not.
I guess that is the result of not being on the inside. Would there be a lesson in that I suppose? That hearsay information is not the same as direct, personal, first person information? Seems to me the internet is replete with second hand information and a vast population that swallows hook, line and sinker, everything. Boy, have I just had a lesson in how the world works handed to me!
In the meantime, I will ask my IBFFL about this divergent information you pose. I can't respond because I am uninformed. Who can you believe anymore, you think? And I know we so want to trust what we want to believe too. I mean, if it is on the internet, it must be true, yes?