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Yes, I am with you Invicible.
hanna Views: 1,206
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 166,267

Yes, I am with you Invicible.

I had great plans to follow Andreas for the week, but when it comes to eating I am pretty weak. My son stopped by twice this week, that means red wine with a cigarette. That's the only time we smoke, we all stopped but this is our special, may be not healthy, time.
Then my husband bought icecream several times this week, so we had some every day.
So after all this I am sticking to my Oxypowder flush, so to-night I will have my berries with heavy cream for supper. I have been doing that for a long time, someday I will try not to eat from 2 pm on, but my experience is that I always start picking away at things.
I understand you have also so weaknesses :), may be everybody does but they don't talk about it.
So Invincible I am counting on the new moon to get me through all this.
Good Luck, Johanna


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