I'm a woman who is using George Eby's zinc gluconate treatments with GREAT SUCCESS!!! I was having back to back outbreaks and was beginning to feel I would never get my life back! I married a man I met online, he had contracted genital herpes 18 years previous. However, while we were dating he was using Valtrex and never told me. He stopped using Valtrex for our honeymoon and infected me. He told me he did it to "keep me" and, "if I divorced him I would die alone". Needless to say the marriage didn't last long! I take Valtrex but the outbreaks were continuing so I began George Eby's treatment with zinc gluconate. I have noticed great improvement and really feel I will eventually beat this disease. My outbreaks are fewer and farther between, always less in size, and only last a few days. I've noticed areas that always began the outbreaks are now blister free! With each outbreak the blisters are smaller in other areas. Nothing else has worked for me and I've spent over a year online trying everything I could find! I was impressed that George Eby was a researcher who wasn't trying to profit from the treatments. I also did a lot of follow up research with the same results. The treatments must be done every day with or without outbreak but the results are definitely worth the inconvenience. I use a 3cc syringe to apply the solution as I have it internally rather than externally. I hope someone finds this helpful! I have absolutely no affiliation with George Eby but when I become outbreak free I plan to find him and give him a huge hug!!! I feel like I'm finally able to live my life again after almost 2 years of outbreaks and pain. God bless, I hope you find what works for you!!!