Re: question for chrisb1
Hello menina,
it might be interesting to see what anyone else has to say as well.
The amount of weight you lose at the beginning of a fast is usually commensurate with the amount and type of fat that you, or anyone else has.
In other words the heavier someone is, and the more excess weight they possess, the more weight they lose within the first few days. This also depends on whether the fat is of the loose/soft and/or flabby kind (where they lose more) compared with hardened fat deposits where less is lost.
It is the norm to lose approx' one pound per day overall, and this can be from the very beginning, as in your own case.
The varying degrees of toxicity has little bearing on weightloss, and the same is true for the amount of lean muscle that you may have as well.
The tongue coating is normal and even the tongue clearing sporadically throughout the fast is not that uncommon either.
I strongly doubt that you are experiencing hunger, but more of the nature of "toxic hunger" or the all-gone sensation within the abdomen which can be easily mistaken for true hunger.................................
You are not entering starvation-mode.......period, which is nonsense at this stage of your fast. Drink a large glass of water (do not gulp) and then tell me you are hungry. Hunger does not go away with water, but it will in your case.
No Bowel movements are the norm: they come mostly post-fast.
You are not starving menina. The onset of starvation brings on the most ravenous hunger there is, and you would not be talking about it. Believe me.
The greatest contraindication to fasting? is fear and worry and anxiety.
Enjoy it and go for the length of time you have set will be all the healthier for it.