How nice of you to even considering acknowledging the existance of Noah's Ark.
Most Anti-God people don't want to even consider God exist, for it seems to make them uncomfortable for some reason.
As your question is asking are Bible stories to be interpreted literally?
Maybe we could determine this question by using some Common Sense in answering this question?
By your calculations it would be impossible to fit as many Species into Noah's Ark as you are claiming should have entered into Noah's Ark.
I will agree with you.
So what are the options to consider?
Could it be that Noah only took the Species he was aware that existed in his location? After all if he lived where there were Elephants, Common Sense would tell us that he didn't have Polar Bears living near him that he could load on his boat.
This would also mean that he didn't have a lot of other Species that were not adapted to his current living environment.
So if Noah only took animals, birds and the like that lived where he lived and all the rest were destroyed by the flood, what is the big deal?
Kinda like a farmer that has cows, sheep, horses, pigs, chickens etc he would like to keep and or needs to live, so he calls up the local trucker to help move them to the next farm.
Don't you supposed Noah and his family needed certain animals to help them live after the flood?
Don't you suppose if God Created them to begin with that he could create some of the missing ones any time he wanted to after the flood that Noah didn't have on his boat?
Let us face the Facts, Why did God even need Noah to build a boat?
Could the whole process of getting Noah to build a boat have been to convince Noah and his family how great God was, which Noah and his family would surely have come to understand after the fact of the flood. This way Noah and his family would not have so soon forgot what God did to everyone who rebelled against God.
So could it have been that all Noah needed to take on the boat was what Life forms he and his family knew about and needed to live?
We haven't even considered the calculations about the amount of rain that fell would not have been enough to cover the whole earth. Yet, God stated the Whole earth was covered with water, how could this have taken place?
Could it be that the earth had it's magnetic poles reversed during this time, which would have allowed for the whole earth to become flooded?
What is the big deal anyway.
What is the whole purpose that man is supposed to learn from the story of Noah's Ark?
Is man supposed to understand everything that his Creator does or is man supposed to learn to become a better person though man's trials and tribulation on earth?
Is it possible that man doesn't need to know why or how God does what he does, but just to learn that when man rebels against God that God shall not be mocked and when man mocks God, then man shall pay the penalty for this!
Let us consider what God thought that caused him to bring the flood upon the earth.
Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth.....
6:7 I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast etc...
Now God could have just wiped everything from the face of the earth just by thinking it to be so, but he used Noah and a flood to do the job, Why?
And here you are questioning how God could do this or How Noah could load all the Species you have counted up, to what purpose?
Anyone with two bits of Common Sense would know that since God had created man and everything to begin with, why did God need Noah.
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be.
To a more pressing matter that man should consider and be afraid of mocking God and the penalty that God is going to require of mankind is the matter of Abortion.
Over 52 million babies have been Murdered in America alone by Anti-God Liberals who are mocking God!
What do you suppose shall be God's penalty upon America and the rest of the world for this?