Replying to ML:
Hey ML -
You may not spend your time here anymore, but you surely do have your posters plastered all over the place thanks to your friend Refreshed. Maybe you could come back and contribute in your Ask ML pH forum without getting into extaneous areas. You know, some of us went out on a limb for you and took some hits on your behalf back when, and only ended up with ill will and bruising others feelings for the result. And I'm not even going to deign to comment on your brief return as Monkeytime.
I certainly agree that becoming better people is what is important. And apparently you agree that taking a literal Biblical interpretation is not necessarily valid as well. I am just a mere mortal who does not pretend to know all the secrets of the Cosmos or of creation, but I do think that life adapts and finds a way and that the way it has done so does not preclude intelligent design.
As far as I am concerned, none of my relatives were monkeys, apes or slime - though I have some ex-inlaws I am not so sure of. Then again, looking at some people, I have to wonder whether man descended from the trees or if the monkeys kicked them out.
I am not sure how many tree swingers there are in DC, but there are plenty of folks I believe who should be swinging there . . . from the yardarms.
Maybe because it is pro-human. Humanity is more than just Christians. This is a perfect example of the narrow thinking espoused by religion. It's modern tribalism and, as clearly shown, it is nothing but divisive.
Beej said: "You've got too much time on your hands shit head."
That's very nice of you to say. Are you a Christian?
"Challenge the message and not the messenger!The first person to resort to name calling automatically loses the debate!"
This is on the top of the Evolutionism and Creationism debate forum page.
Beej said: "I would have never wasted my time talking to you in the first place, but you posted in the forum for created people."
The Evolution, Creationism and Abiogenesis Debate Forum is a forum for created people? Hmmm, I thought is was a forum to engage in meaningful discussions about evolution, creationism and abiogenesis. Silly me, I've posted in the wrong forum. I've posted in the "Created People" forum!
"I would have never wasted my time talking to you in the first place..."
Well, that's very nice of you to say. Are you a Christian?
Apparently what I have said has struck a chord with you because it has apparently aroused some anger.
Let's see, an estimated ten million species of which perhaps two million are non-insects. Considering space for food and the water needed for all the marine species, at only 20 square feet (that is a 4X5 area) on average for the non-insects alone that would 40 million square feet plus the space for the bugs. So, perhaps something 14 times the size of Cowboy Stadiums (which has 3 million square feet). Or, over 4000 times the estimated 100,000 square feet of a tri-level Noah's ark. And I'm guessing that my estimate is on the low side.
So, all the species on just three acres? Quite literally impossible. Other impossible literal examples abound, including the calculation of the earth only being a few thousand years old. Which, though I certainly do not want to upset your basic faith, are simply reasons to not to take things literally.
Since you replied to my post and not beej's, I have to ask what in the world you are talking about. For example, how did my father come into this? Nowhere have I mentioned my very religious father, nor have I mentioned my Baptist preacher grandfather who raised me.
FYI, I created the above post about children and put it on my website. That is my son and my granddaughter in two of the photos. I also added music and tweaked this one and put it on my website:
Notice the reference to "the One who created it all".
Where, I might ask, have you ever seen a post of mine saying that I do not believe in God? I have over 8,000 posts here and you won't find such a statement or sentiment in a single one. On the other hand, you will find quite a few that indicate just the opposite.
I have simply stated, and in some cases had some fun with, my belief to not take the Bible or any other religious tome too literally. Knowing who or what God is is beyond my meager abilities, but what I do believe is that my God is far too great to lock inside a box such as a single book, no matter how great such a book may be. My God is both within and without the box. Pretending to limit Him or understand how He operates is, to me, both a folly and an affront.
I sense a Force for good in this universe and I believe that it is our Higher purpose to strive to become better. That is why we have an innate sense of right and wrong. If such were not the case and all was merely random, then everything that matters to me would have no meaning. What reason for love and charity, goodwill, opposing evil, respecting my fellow man and all the creatures of the earth or trying to shed light on the darkness? I refuse to except such an aimless concerpt.
So, to sum it up - I don't pretend to know what exactly "God" is, but I believe that God IS.
You answered my post and metaphorically or not, you have connected me to atheism. Questioning a literal interpretation of all things Biblical is not exclusively the language of the athiest. It is also the language of the logical. Being logical does not make one an athiest, though it surely would seem to preclude one being a Biblical literalist. I understand and appreciate leaps of faith; however, no leap could possibly be large enough for me to believe a literal interpretation of the Noah's ark legend any more than it could make me believe in a world and universe that was only a relative few thousand years old.