Hi Hope27, how are you doing?
Hi Hope27,
My name is Ryan Annunziello. I just read your posting on Curezone and wanted to respond. So, when did you first notice you had your bad,
Body Odor ? When did it start approximately? Secondly, can you describe where you think the
Body Odor is stemming from and what it smells like? Does your
Body Odor , smell like musty, eggy, garbagey, burnt rubber, fecal, sewage, etc, etc? Third, have you been able to talk to your family about it and when you do, how do they react to what you're dealing with? Do they realize you have a problem, or are they able to quickly dismiss it and don't want to believe that you have a bad, body odor? Well, I hope to hear back from you. If you feel comfortable in doing this, it's up to you, but I find that talking about it over the phone is easier, but that's your call!! If you don't feel comfortable calling me over the phone, you can email me, at: rannunziello27@live.ca. Alright, gotta go but I will talk to you later. Take care and God bless you. Bye for now.