Re: Opposite view from a vegetarian researcher at Stanford.
The lecture is kind of long so may be not everyone wants to listen to it.
Here is some info:
311 women between the ages of 25-50 years
each got a book Atkins, Tradional,Zone and Ornish and had to follow the whole book
Atkins end results were better than the other 3
bloodpressure was lower
tri-glycerites went down
hdl went up
ldl went down
People on Atkins had trouble staying on the low carb and Ornish they had trouble with the low fat
this was a 1 year study
I thought it was interesting since it took me 4 years on CZ to find out that my body needed this. I was almost a vegetarian following the Ayurveda style of eating,grains, veggies, fruit at times some meat.
Since I have followed many different forums I ended up on the metabolic forum after someone on the cholesterol forum had been able to get her tri's down on low carbs.
About the niacin I learned from the
Iodine supplementation forum and actually my MD had suggested it too plus policosanol (what I learned from
Andreas Moritz too).
Since I sometimes slip with my carbs (like icecream or cake :)) I still take niacin and policosanol.