Protocol Layout for Kcirla Part 2
Continued ...
Hello Uny,
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I will try to answer your questions in the best way I can. You're more than welcome. 'Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but it took longer than I'd expected (that means there's a LOT of good healing information enclosed! :) Thank you for graciously taking the time to explain things so that I can have a better "full picture". I know it must have taken a LOT of patience, because I'm sure you're sick and tired of people asking questions about your 'mental health'.
--So what actually happened "legally"?...Legally, my mother, with the help of my GP, decided to have me admitted HDT. They decided that juice fasting was a dangerous thing for me. They saw it as "starvation", rather than increased intake of nutrition. At that point, I was in a terrible physical state, way underweight, suffering a lot, and almost unable to hold any food down. Juice fasting was what I saw as my only way out of this mess, having already tried so many things and diets. What happened is that my mother told me I would go the hospital for further exams, and in fact she took me to the psych ward. Traumatizing.
--No matter which way you were admitted, they had to put some type of label or "diagnosis" on you (or more than one) for admission into the hospital. What were the specific diagnosis/es, They diagnosed me as an hypochondriac. They saw the medical exams and thought that the abnormalities in them were not enough to explain my physical state and the complains I had.
--What specific drugs/dosages were you given (or forced to take), and what was the reason for each drug? I was given an antipsychotic, risperidone. An antidepressant, paxil. A benzodiazepine, prazepam. An another antipsychotic, tercian. All at maximum doses. They didn't give me a specific reason for each drug. In the psych ward, everybody had a combination of antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines. Even those that appeared "very normal" to me. I stopped all but the antidepressant after that, and had no problem stopping them as I don't need them in the first place. I only noticed positive changes by stopping them.
--It appears that if you were admitted HDT/HO, they could 'treat you without your consent' (which is what you indicate happened). When the psychiatrist prescribed these various drugs, were you allowed to read the package inserts and discuss the various side-effects (or possible alternatives) before taking the drugs? If one wanted to refuse treatment, they would threaten to give it by injections. We weren't allowed to read the package, and the doctors would be very evasive regarding the side-effects.
--My guess is that you somehow tried to question or refuse the drugs - what actually happened? The threat of injections. I quickly figured out that the quickwest way to get ouf of this hell was to take their treatment.
I'm so sorry this happened this happened to you (I agree, 'traumatizing' is an excellent description) - and I'm sorry that similar stories are becoming more and more common. I'm sure you've learned substantially from that experience...but while I'm here, I want to point out a few for others (so that they have the knowledge they need to prevent something like this from happening to them).
-- Folks, Kcirla's experience is NOT somehow bizarre or uncommon - situations like this happen ALL the time...and not just in France! Each and every one of us that visits any type of a physician is at some level of risk, and those of us that allow "concerned family members" to become involved with the doctors & psychiatrists are taking a VERY substantial risk. This is why it is SO important to learn how to heal yourself now (as well as doing everything you can to teach your family members), before something happens that would cause them to feel like they need a 'professional' to stop you from "harming yourself".
-- People that truly love us (and are not aware of natural/alternative health & healing) really DO believe they're doing the "right thing" by pressuring us to go to doctors for invasive/harmful tests, surgeries, opinions and toxic drugs. It's the only thing they know. Once we're sick (particularly if we've already seen a doctor/s and he/she has developed an "opinion" and put it in our permanent records", we are definitely on 'thin ice' if a family member starts worrying about our mental stability...and of course they will worry, because we're obviously mentally compromised and a 'danger to ourselves' if we refuse medical treatment, opinions and pharmaceuticals. Simply refusing drugs IS ENOUGH (depending on the situation) to be construed being a 'danger to yourself'...and that IS the criteria for compulsory admission to a psych-ward.
--The thing to always remember (particularly if you're over 18, or whatever the 'adult age' is in your country) - is that NOBODY can force you to see a doctor or psychiatrist against your will initially (unless you allow yourself to become so compromised you can't physically stop them). I'm sure Kcircla realizes now that the second he saw the word "psychiatrist", he should have physically walked away (calmly of course). [Edit: actually when a normal doctor OR a psychiatrist has the power to force an admission to a psych-ward, the minute the doctor starts talking 'mental health issues' and/or you have ANY clue that they're insinuating you may be mentally compromised and not able to logically assist in your own care...THAT is the time when one should use their legal rights to say something like, "Mr/Ms Doctor, you seem to be insinuating that I'm not mentally capable of assisting in the care and treatment of my own body. But it is MY body (and my mind) and I am quite able to determine when I need assistance on the physical/mental level...and I am quite sure I am competent in this regard. Although I appreciate your concerns and intentions, this meeting is closed. I'll be sending for a copy of my medical records shortly. Thank you for your time and your concerns." End Edit] Even when dependent upon parents/others, it's better to deal with 'whatever home situation happens' (no matter how ugly it becomes) than it is to deal with a compulsory admission into a psychiatric ward (where truly, you have NO rights and no control over what is put into your precious body). (be sure to check out some of the stories).
Yes, forced ECT (electro-shock convulsive "therapy") is still legal: And as you are now becoming aware, if you are admitted against your will to a psych ward, you do NOT have the legal right to refuse if your psychiatrist deems it would be 'beneficial'.
--I see quite a bit about your mother, but not your father. What's his role in this situation? When I mention my father, it is in fact my step father. My father died in an accident few years ago. My step father is a great guy, he always believed in what I was saying, went with me to MDs that knew a bit about candida overgrowth. He doesn't understand everything, but he tried reading many articles and books I was submitting him regarding natural healing, candida, leaky gut... My mother didn't even try to pay attention to that, just following what my stupid GP would say her. My step father learnt through those readings that one's body can be very compromised, even if nothing dramatic shows up on standard medical tests. The admission was my mother's and GP idea, he didn't think it was the thing to do but legally there's nothing he could do about it. Plus he is not the kind to go against my mother decisions. I just want to add here: while I truly do understand a "mother's concern" and that she likely made her decisions from a 'heart of caring' - I also believe that no human being has a right to have another person forced into a psych-ward, nor does any adult have ANY right to dictate what another adult does with their own body. The only exception to that I can think of, is if someone is truly psychotic, hallucinating (on drugs or not), or if they are truly endangering their own life. But even when one is endangering their own life, there are times when I feel no one has a right to intervene (particularly when someone is terminally ill and choosing to control the end of their life). That being said (and even though I have no idea if you want my personal opinion), I'm going to say this: It's my belief that there IS something "out of balance" on the "relationship emotional & mental health table" when a mother controls an adult child to the point of having that child admitted to a hospital against his/her wishes. No matter how "crazy" another adult's choices may appear, there should always be some level of basic human respect between parents & adult children (which includes listening to what the person is saying with an open-mind, and researching what they're 'saying or doing' that the other assumes to be crazy or dangerous). And that 'basic human respect' goes both adults we should grant respect to others and grant ourselves enough respect as to not allow others to disrespect or control us. Since your health is compromised I'd suggest that "now" is probably not the time to be attempting to resolve or heal something that seems to be the result of a long-standing pattern between you (???). If this is the case, I'd suggest that you distance yourself from your mother until you're safely healed and in a safe legal position, before causing your body & emotions more stress. Kcirla, of course, I know virutally nothing about you and your mother (so I could be totally wrong in my assumptions), but I wanted to share all that in case there's any part of it that you discern will help you.
--What antidepressant are you now taking, and what dosage? What symptoms or side-effects are you experiencing (if any) from the antidepressant? I'm now taking paxil. I weaned myself off very slowly, from 40mg to 10mg at the moment. Regarding side effects, I don't know what is due to paxil and what is due to my physical problems. Here is a site (whenever the time is 'right') that you might want to share with your mother (or anyone else not understanding the dangers of Paxil and other SSRI/SNRIs. This is the URL for Paxil (but you can search on any of them):
--Does you mom/dad and psychiatrist/s know that you've stopped taking everything but the antidepressant? If so, what do they think about that?
They know, and my mother thought it was a very bad idea (she immediatly called the doctors to tell them), as she thinks the drugs are what I need, even if in monthes of use they didn't provide any benefits at all, quite the opposite. My step father understands that I don't need them. Hmmm, I'm sure you had your reasons for telling them, but I certainly wouldn't have told my mother (who just had me compulsorily admitted to a psych-ward), or anyone that would have told my mother. [Edit: Since still being in the situation where "non compliance" could put you right back in the psych-ward, it would seem to me that telling anyone of your "non compliance" would be extremely risky. Being the 'natural healing proponent' that I am, you can be sure at some time or another I would definitely make known to my mother & past physicians that I'd healed myself entirely without their toxic drugs. But telling them would have to wait until I was absolutely sure there was no way they could possibly force me back into a pychiatric unit. End Edit]
Out here on the farm in Iowa, we have an old saying (and I always preface this old saying by explaining...I am not insinuating your mother or your doctor is a hog, I'm just sharing this "saying" because it's SO applicable to those that believe in allopathic medicine, and how we deal with them. Here it is:
"Never get into a belching contest with a hog. You will annoy the hog; you will lose; and you definitely will end up covered in hog slop!"
--When you were discharged from the hospital, was there anything you had to agree to before they'd let you out? If so, what? I had to continue my treatment and visit the psychatrist as often as he would judge good to do.
--Did you learn anything that was beneficial to you while in the hospital? If so, what? Nothing beneficial. Only that psychiatry is a shame, and drugs of very little help to people. I believe in psychotherapy and psychology though. But this is not part of psychiatry.
--You said: Also, I'm seeing the psychiatrist in 2 days...
He will necessary notice that I lost weight. I'm started to really worry that they might consider sending me back to the psych ward. And this can not be considered: in the state I am, this would mean no more no less than death. Since you're still posting, I assume the appointment with the psychiatrist went smoothly enough to keep you out of the hospital. How did that meeting go? It went ok. I faked to be physically well. Basically, each time I go, he asks me if I'm still concerned about my health issues. I say no.
--Other than the juicing & weight loss issues, what reasons do you think your mom, dad and the psychiatrist had for admitting you to a psychiatric ward? Do you think any of their reasoning is valid? Why or why not. I don't think any of their reasoning is valid. My health is very compromised, I have no psychological issues whatsoever, and all I need is to heal myself. I'm the last person that would need to go to such a place, really. I'm social, have a girlfriend I love, live a healthy lifestyle (or at least what I thought was a healthy one), and have plans for my future.
--We ALL are in need of some sort of emotional/mental healing and adjusting our thought processes and reactions to be truly healthy. What issues are you aware of that would benefit you by changing? I don't think I have a lot of mental healing to do. I had to deal with my father's death many years ago, and this helped me see life differently once I managed to "get over" with it. It was very tough but led me to resolve many issues I had. I realised we have only one life, that we should enjoy it and the people we love while we still can, and that people waste time and energy with unnecessary things. Those are excellent things to know! :)
--never tell them they are wrong. If you totally disagree with them, reply with something like: "I understand why you might have that impression" -or- "if I were in your position, I might come to the same conclusion" -or- "what have I said/done to give you that impression?". I learnt that. I learnt how to "fake" in front of them, to be the way they want you to be.
--if there is ANY way (free legal clinic? or something similar?), I suggest you find someone in the legal profession to discuss this with as soon as you possibly can. Your thoughts on that? My thoughts are I can't lose time anymore. This would be a waste of time and energy that I don't have. I don't need any kind of psychological support, really. When you say that another admission to the hospital would likely end your life, I would think it would be worth a few hours (or more) to learn every aspect of the legal situation so you can do what you can legally to ensure it doesn't happen. I don't think that would be a waste, at all. Perhaps we're just misunderstanding each other.
--And the absolute BEST "trick in the deck of cards" (at least if your laws are like those in the US). If you strongly sense that your mom/psychiatrist are going to have you 'force admitted' again? Before they have a chance to get all the legal paperwork done, sign yourself in willingly. That way, they canNOT control the length of your stay and they canNOT force you to take drugs you don't want to take. Check with a medical/legal expert to make sure this is the case in France (and what other complications might ensue), but unless you find something that is a strong negative, it's always MUCH better to be in psychiatric ward of your own volition that being committed by law. I realise that. But this is simply not an option. I am THAT sick that I honestly think I wouldn't make it out of there alive. That's why for me it's either I heal myself NOW or die. No alternatives, no temporary compromise. Without exageration, the situation is now critical.
...So, (please excuse me if this is a rude question), but where in the world is all your money coming from? And if you have your own personal "money angel" (lol) could you please tell me how to get one of my own? :::grin::: I have my own income ressources, even though I don't have a job, so money is not really the problem here. Thanks to my father. I won't go into more details on a public forum, I hope you understand. I absolutely understand! The only reason I asked is because sometimes people that are desperate do very unhealthy/desperate things to get money...and I just wanted to make sure that you were "okay" :)
--Juice fasting - 10-14 10oz glasses of juice daily (typically carrots & other vegetables, no fruit) I juice carrots, cucumbers, celery, fennel, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, beets, onions, asparagus, garlic, ginger ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!
--Coffee Enemas - 4 daily (what kind of coffee are you using? and how are you preparing the CE solutions?) I'm using organic coffee only, arabica, robusta when it is available. I prepare it "a la Gerson", as you do basically.
:::sigh::: When scanning the nutritional data I see no (mention) of ANY of the ingredients being organic?! And zero mention of B vitamins? YIKES.
I see it provides 3 grams of protein for every two tablespoons, so that's around 6-9 grams daily. I'm fairly certain that my original calculations of Schulzes Superfood (what we call Superfood Original in the Storefront) provided more protein than that (due to the nutritional yeast being 1/2 pure protein, along with the other ingredients that have varying amounts of protein). I'm almost sure 6T daily equaled around 15 grams of protein - but I can't find my data. And of course, nutritional yeast is LOADED with B vitamins. Here's the only "nutritional data" on Superfood Original (the one Schulze used in his clinic) I've ever been able to find:
If you don't switch to Dr. Schulzes Original, I highly suggest adding several tablespoons of nutritional yeast daily (Red Star Vegan Formula #6635). Protein & B vitamins are essential to healing - particularly when juice-fasting.
There's actually a lot to be said against these newer Superfoods that contain dozens of ingredients (this one has over 50 individual ingredients in varying ratios). They commonly "sell" them, describing all the various benefits of the individual ingredients, but what they don't mention is that with all those ingredients (and only a 2 T dose), that it's virtually impossible to get the "individually listed benefits" from taking merely a few milligrams of each substance.
'Very important information here (to read or review) regarding supplments:
Herbal Formulas That Don't Work - Dr. Schulze
Supplements-Mineral and Vitamin Supplements The HONEST STORY
From a previous post:
Non-organic herbs:
95% of the herbs on today's market are not certified organic. These herbs are grown in third world countries (India, Eastern Europe, China, Mexico, etc). Many still allow the use of DDT (both a neurotoxin and a carcinogen) - the fertilizer and pesticides are generally far worse than what we allow here.
The workers that pick these herbs are paid very little (basically slave wages, or forced labor). They do not care about thing like "if Echinacea is in bloom, the root is useless) - they just fill their bags and get their 25 cents :(
In order to save their essential oils and 'healing herbal goodies', ALL herbs should be dried in the shade; these herbs are dried (and powdered) in high-heat kilns - many are scorched/burned and have virtually no herbal attributes left. :(
Then they are baled and shipped to the US, when they are either sprayed with pesticides/fungicides and/or IRRADIATED (mutating whatever 'herbal quality' is left :(
These are not 'healing herbs' - they are toxic substances that may have a smidgen of beneficial healing power left.
Everybody, let's do our best to NOT buy these products and reward these suppliers...and let's certainly honor our bodies enough not to plow them with even MORE poisons :)
--Flax seed - ground or whole - how much?Ground, around 3 Tbsps a day Cool, just be sure it's organic and freshly ground.
--Psyllium - seeds or husks (or both)? ground/powdered, or whole? how much? Psyllium husks powdered, 4 heaping teaspoons a day Again, this is another herb where the source is typically India (which still used DDT) - so be sure this is organic.
--Are you still doing/taking any of this? milk thistle, dandelion root, echinacea, superfood, some juicing, enzymes (bromelain/pancreatin). If so, what 'brand' or form of herbs & enzymes (and how much daily)?
milk thistle "Now" 3 a day, dandelion "Now" 3 a day, echinacea tincture "Nature's answer" 3 dropperfuls a day, pancreatin and bromelain "Now" as often as I can think of, but always pancreatin when taking ground flaxseeds to help digest the proteins.
--Just a reminder that supplementing our bodies with substances they should be making (digestive enzymes, etc) has every likelihood of causing our body to shut down production of what it IS making.
--The "Now" herbs are not organic, nor is the Echinacea you're getting barely ANY benefit and ingesting toxins.
4-6 droppersful (1 - 1 1/2 teaspoons) 3-5x times a day would be the minimum dosage I'd recommend. 3 droppersful daily isn't enough to stop a chihuahua from getting a cold, let alone supporting & modulating the immune system with extreme Candida. I don't know what all you've read and learned about candida and/or Echinacea - but here's a FANTASTIC article on Candida:
Ground Milk Thistle seed dosage is 1-3 Tablespoons daily. I take 2T for 'general liver support'. If you know you've got liver issues, I wouldn't take less than 2T per day.
Dandelion - not knowing specifically why you're taking it, I wouldn't know what to recommend for an adequate dosage. 1-2 teaspoons (as powder or made into a tea) 3x daily is fairly typical.
--Apple Cider Vinegar (several tablespoons daily) raw unpasteurised, between 3 and 6 Tbsps a day. Great.
I am also taking IF1. I ran out of IF2, since then I switched to psyllium, and waiting for my bentonite clay.
I realise I'm not covering all aspects of the IP. I would love to order all your products but I don't have unlimited budget unfortunatly. We all understand 'budget limitations', for sure and for certain (grrrrr). However, I'd be amiss if I didn't point out that you've made it very clear that you feel your health is so fully compromised you feel that death is definitely an issue...and that you don't want to take time away from your healing regime to spend a few hours making calls (or traveling) to gain all the legal knowledge you can to ensure you're not forced into another psych-ward admission against your will (I am THAT sick that I honestly think I wouldn't make it out of there alive. That's why for me it's either I heal myself NOW or die. No alternatives, no temporary compromise. Without exageration, the situation is now critical).
That seems scary-serious to that being the case, I suggest that if you have ANY personal possessions you can sell to get the money you need so you can have the most effective/correct products you need to heal your body, you should do so immediately (no matter where you opt to purchase the products). With the price of gold higher than it's ever been, only a few pieces of jewelry would bring (likely) a LOT more than you'd expect. And almost everyone has a TV and stereo - those are usually very easy to sell. I agree entirely...when health issues are serious, there should be no "compromise".
Also, I focus on restoring my liver before adding anti parasites and anti fungals herbs, simply because I can't handle them anymore. Die off is unbearable. My doctor within tells me to focus mainly on the liver. These sentiments are somewhat logical and I understand and empathize totally with "unbearable"...but I also hear you indicating very loudly that the state of your body is "critical", and not hesitating to say the "d" word. Candida and parasites contribute substantially to your liver compromise (particularly the candida!!!) With the information the article I linked to above, you can see how damaging the candida's production of alcohol is to the liver and how substantially the immune system is compromised. Yes, the "die off" is rough, but getting rid of the cause of liver compromise is imperative to removing liver compromise...and no amount of 'die off' is going to compromise your body as much as the live/multiplying candida. If you take the IF#2 and the extra activated charcoal (information/links below) and get on those kidney cleanses (which will take a substantial amount of burden off your liver), while doing all the liver work you're doing AND ingesting natural/healthy forms of microbiota (via water kefir, kombucha, kimchee/sauerkraut juice...and the juice of any other fermented or lacto-fermented produce), you will go a LONG way toward eliminating the 'unbearable' aspects of die-off.
Because candida albicans is saprophyte yeast (gaining their nourishment from decaying organic manner), we can logic (and my research is showing) that we must make the intestinal tract conducive to the replenishment and colonization of the healthy microbiota before they can successfully recolonize, by removing the decaying organic matter first. But this doesn't mean that we can't ingest as many healthy microorganisms as we can daily, to assist the body in getting the intestinal yeast back under control and in balance. If/when you decide to order anything from the Storefront, in the note section type: water kefir...and we'll include a little baggie of dehydrated water kefir grains in your parcel. Sauerkraut is incredibly easy to make; it's very juicy and it can be juiced, too. A few heads of cabbage, a bit of salt and a container to put it in is all you need. There are gazillions of sites on the 'net that explain how to make sauerkraut (and other fermented foods).
But i don't forget the rest: my bowels are being taken care of by the IF1 (I was using IF2 but ran out of it. I m planning on using PB shakes to save the huge cost of IF2 here in Europe). I also ordered some Slippery Elm. I strongly recommend against the typical "P&B shakes" - this mixture commonly causes impactions and clogs. Do your best to mix up a version of IF#2 (you've already got the flax & psyllium, with the bentonite & slippery elm 'on the way'). You need the activated charcoal anyway (have you ever looked into the substantial benefits of activated charcoal, and how it reduces the symptoms of candida/parasite die-off? And it's other benefits are magnificent...especially for taking stress off of the liver & kidneys). Here's a Google search on "candida" + "activated charcoal":
(in above formula, 7 parts "psyllium seeds & husks" = 3.5 parts psyllium husks AND 3.5 parts psyllium seeds - both powdered)
I suggest you should be taking at least 5 teaspoons of activated charcoal daily with the 'official' IF#2 (7 teaspoons if not taking IF#2). Reasoning? You need to get rid of the CAUSES of your liver compromise if you expect your liver to heal...and two of the biggies are the toxins (and alcohol) emitted from candida, the toxins from intestinal parasites, and particularly liver flukes. The other biggie is toxins in the colon (that virtually every drop of fluid we ingest has to seep through before entering the bloodstream/liver). It's good the IF#1 is keeping your bowel moving.
I think the juicing and the enzymes are helping the pancreas to take a rest. And the reason you want your pancreas to "rest"? We need all our organs working together as best as they possibly can to help restore our body. Only "doctors" try to heal (or focus on) one organ or system at a time. I recall you mentioning a "pancreas attack" (something similar?). The main causes of pancreatitis are: 1) gallstones 2) alcohol abuse. Virtually everyone that has a candida overgrowth has a high blood level of alcohol...and of course you know you had gallstones. So, it's very likely there is/was actually nothing 'technically wrong' with your pancreas, other than the duct leading to the duodenum being clogged or compromised by a gallstone.
I m neglecting the kidneys a bit at the moment I know, but only because my liver is really my main concern at the moment. It feels so congested and impaired. I ordered some castor oil to start castor oil packs, and plan on flushing as often as I can. Castor oil is one of THE most underestimated therapies in our arsenal - I'm glad you're going to be doing them. I understand when we know that one organ is congested & impaired, the tendency (conditioning) to focus on that organ. But every organ and system of the body is symbiotically dependent upon each other. The reason why the IP works so beautifully is that ALL systems & organs of the body receive healing attention at the same time.
Which are the main organs for detoxification & neutralization of poisons (besides the skin & lungs)? The liver and kidneys. You know & feel the liver compromise (which is much easier seen & felt than kidney compromise). And you know that the pharmaceuticals were a MAJOR burden on your the kidneys were doing FAR more than their fair-share (and still are, due to the liver compromise). So if you want to be sure to NOT compromise and burden your liver further, then making sure your kidneys are in tip-top shape is very important (in fact, cleansing and restoring our colon and kidneys is amongst the best things we can do for our liver).
Also: here's a Google search on "Paxil OR paroxetine" +"kidneys OR renal": So, we can clearly see that the Paxil definitely & negatively impacts the kidneys (amongst all it's other side-effects). You're done GREAT to go from 40mg ---> 10mg so quickly!!
Also, this site came up in the search. I've checked it out a lot of times for various information to help others, and I think it's the best forum for "Paxil Withdrawal" on the net. Don't hesitate to check it out - you'll find a lot of tips on helping to get off that last 10 mg.
Regarding nutrition, which worries me the most because I have to be sure not to lose more weight for the reasons you know, I plan on staying on the Superfood, plus the Slippery Elm that is on its way. The flaxseeds are good source of proteins and fat to what I can see, and I am following your advice regarding coconut milk. Right now, I m juicing around 10oz every 45-50 minutes. Intense.
Good options - mix up the fats & proteins (don't just use flax) - soak/sprout any organic raw nuts or seeds of the "fatty type", and throw a handful in with each juice.
One of the easiest things to sprout is mung beans (which create very plump, large, juicy sprouts and have added green leaves --if you let them sprout long enough). They are an EXCELLENT source of protein! 100 grams of fresh mung beans is over THREE grams of protein (that much will juice down to only a few ounces of juice). Mungs are high in iron (!) potassium, calcium and vitamins A, C & E
Anyone can sprout mung beans, and yielding a pound/454 grams or more a day is absolutely no problem at all (1 cup = approximately 100 grams)...and extremely inexpensive. YAY!
I was thinking about the cayenne,good! :::grin::: but because it can cause die off, I was thinking on leaving it for later. Probably a mistake in regards of the other benefits of it. I plan on adding the antiparasites herbs as soon as I feel my poor liver can handle them. I suggest that you need them both - your poor liver can handle the die off from dead flukes (and candida) a LOT easier than it can handle being congested with live flukes that are sucking blood and creating holes in it (while the candida is creating alcohol and giving off various poisons). I know I'm repeating myself, but I can't say it enough (and I hope everyone is paying attention)...we can NOT heal our bodies without getting rid of the cause of the problem.
There is something I wanted to ask you about: since I started to liver flush, I'm passing so much mucoid plaque, using only psyllium, where weeks of IF1/IF2 didn't do nothing. How is that possible? Could the "new" and more powerful bile flow be the reason for that? Yes and no :) Each time we take a dose of the IF#2, it "slimes on" to our colon walls and then pulls away. Each time it pulls away it takes a little bit of mucoid plaque where it touched AND it pulls & loosens the mucoid plaque 'as a whole' away from the intestinal wall. Every dose of IF#2 is effective in both ways - we just don't see the "little bits" coming off...and the semi-loosened big pieces can come off 'later' just from normal peristalsis. There's no such thing as "it didn't do nothing". So I'd say it's a "combination"...the IF#2 loosened it substantially, and the peristalsis created by more bile flow is doing the rest.
Also, do you think it could do more damage than good to flush as often as 3 times a week? I do a slightly modified version of the big flush by Schulze: 3/4 cup olive oil, 1 cup lemon juice, one teaspoon turmeric, 5 cloves of garlic, one piece of ginger. All in the morning rather than in the evening. Dr. Schulze had folks with severe compromise doing a full flush per day. You'll seriously have to listen to your 'doctor within' on this one, because although I've done 'back to back flushes' (2 flushes - 2 days) a few times, every time it was extremely exhausting for me - and I never felt like the 2nd flush was as effective as it should/could have been. But the times I did it, I did it because I felt like I needed to do (I just wasn't 'satisfied' with the results). With the 4 CE's you're doing daily (and now that you'll be adding the Castor Oil packs), I really can't say that more than 2 flushes per week are necessary...but I'm not in your body and cannot feel what you are feeling. If you're doing your flushes in the morning, be sure you recline for at least an hour after drinking the oil/citrus potion - your liver needs that much time to release the bile and start processing the oil. One thing for sure - once you've done the castor oil packs for a few nights, you may find you'll be re-evaluating your plan. They are extremely effective, but in healing way/s that flushing and CE's are not. (I once had a 2-3 day "liver/gb spell" that was causing quite a bit of discomfort...CE's & flushing didn't touch it, but one night with a castor oil pack did the trick).
Recommendations continued:
Echinacea tincture - 4-6 droppersful 3-5x daily (for modulating & strengthening your immune system - issues: Candida & Ankylosis spondylitis
Yellow Dock Tea - 3 cups daily - to provide a strong source of easily assimilated iron for anemia (1 pound should last approximately a month)
Activated Charcoal - 5-7 teaspoons daily internally - to assist in adsorption of toxins from die-off & Candida, which will lessen the burden on the liver/kidneys, giving them more energy to heal themselves. Also for use in activated charcoal poultice over liver and/or kidneys. Instructions for poultice:
Note: both charcoal & bentonite adsorb (not absorb) - this means the charcoal/bentonite do not have to 'touch' the toxin to lessen or eliminate it - rather, the charcoal/bentonite "pull the toxins to themselves" - which means that they will pull toxins out of your bloodstream and into the digestive tract to be safely flushed away. These substances think/know the Paxil is a toxin - so when starting these, you can expect some level of Paxil withdrawal to occur.
Activated Charcoal weights/measures (for determining how much you need)
2.5gr/0.088oz (1teaspoon)
3.8gr/0.134oz (1Tablespoon)
17 grams (1/4 cup - 4 Tablespoons)
Organic Milk Thistle Seed (ground/powdered) - to assist in decongestion & restoration of the liver. 2-3 Tablespoons daily (mixed or sprinkled in/on anything) Milk Thistle Seed powder - 1 tablespoon = 6.7 grams
Daily -
--Deep Breathing 15 minutes, 5x daily - purpose: oxygenation of blood; detoxification of blood; circulation of oxygen. (breath deeply through nose, expanding diaphragm/stomach without elevating shoulders - expel through mouth). May cause dizziness
--Hot/Cold showers - 2 daily. 7-8 repetitions of hot/cold (one repetition = 2 minutes as hot as possible; 2 minutes as cold as possible) - purpose: increase circulation throughout body (the blood is being nourished with all kinds of beneficial nutrition and herbal healing - it is essential to get the blood to the organs & systems that need it to heal).
--Hot/Cold contrast therapy - 3x daily to liver area (and or any other compromised/sick area). 5 repetitions of hot/cold per session minimum (10-15 repetitions is better). The more compromised an organ or system is, the more desperately it needs oxygenated and nourished with the blood. Hot causes the organ/area to swell/fill with blood, cold pushes the blood (and the toxins) out into the bloodstream to be neutralized & eliminated.
--EFT - 3 sessions (15-30 minutes each) daily. The liver IS the "seat of the emotions" and at the very minimum, you have clearly stated emotional issues with your mother (if you're like the average person, you have more issues with your mother than just the issue of the forced psychiatric admission :). Toxic emotions will make you sicker and prevent your liver from healing. Most find the perfect time to do this is when doing CE's. Manual: Instruction video: Homepage:
"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."
- Eric Robins, MD -
--Barefooting - each day (no matter what the weather) spend 15 minutes (minimum) outside, with your bare feet on the earth. The earth is a natural "ground" and pulls electro-pollution from our body.
--And don't forget the "no's" -- no cell phones; no wi-fi; nothing electric or wireless within 10 feet of your bed; no microwaved anything; no tv unless it's uplifting & positive, and then only minimal minutes. No exceptions - radiation, emfs, electricity and 'negative energy' ALL mutate cells and disrupt the electrical flow of the body and brain.
Below is a table for tabulating the amount of tincture you need for various dosages.
Well, again, thanks for your advice, it is very kind to help :) You're more than welcome. My biggest "thanks" is to be a part of your healing pathway! 'Hope I didn't miss or forget anything :)
Healthiest of blessings,
Tincture measures:
2oz = 84 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 2.8 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 6 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 8 drpfl
4oz (using 2oz dropper) = 168 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 5.5 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 12 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 16 drpfl
4oz (using 4oz dropper) = 148 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 4.85 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 10.5 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 14.8 drpfl
8oz (using 2oz dropper) = 336 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 11.0 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 24 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 33 drpfl
8oz (using 4 oz dropper) = 296 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 9.7 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 21 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 30 drpfl
(none of the droppers measure 2oz or 4oz... the contents of a dropper from 'one full squeeze' via the 2oz bottle or the dropper from the 4oz bottle is what it indicated)
4 droppersful = approximately 1 teaspoon
2 oz = 12 teaspoons/4 tablespoons
4oz = 24 teaspoons/8 tablespoons
8 oz = 48 teaspoons/16 tablespoons