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Protocol Layout For Kcirla Part 1
unyquity Views: 1,530
Published: 15 y

Protocol Layout For Kcirla Part 1

Kcirla - it's now 4:30 am my time and I just don't have enough "awake" left in my to completely finish this post...but I wanted to get what I have done posted (so you can read what I've got so far, and maybe have a chance to answer some of the questions before I finish your reply tomorrow). 'sorry for the delay :)
Greetings Kcirla (everybody) -
'Sounds like you're facing a "heaping size" portion of challenges in your body and life right now. I realize it's 'rough & rocky' (especially being younger and not having all the various coping skills we all develop as we face and 'earn our victories' over decades of life) - but there's no doubt in my mind that you have the correct foundation of knowledge that will make it easier to learn/understand the various ways to amend your protocol (so you can heal faster and more completely); AND I am sure you are not any where NEAR "too far gone" to overcome this and get back to the business of living life (instead of fighting for it)!
I have all your posts pasted into a Word document to refer to as I'm composing this, so most of my response will be cutting/pasting of your comments & questions, followed by my responses & thoughts (and questions)...and a summation at the end. Being semi-new to the forum, please know that my responses are always meant, not only for you, but also for the hundreds/thousands of people that will eventually read this. So if I say things you already know or realize, I'm not being condescending. Also, when dealing with issues surrounding your compulsory/forced psych admission, it is very important for me to be very thorough and have a solid understanding of what's really happening (assuming you want my input & assistance in that regard); but please don't EVER think my questions are in any way "accusatory" or implying anything other than what I clearly say. I know you've likely "been through a hurricane" with the psychiatrists and your mother's misconceptions - but I also realize the presence of misconceptions doesn't mean there's nothing to address and/or heal mentally or emotionally. We all know (at least on this forum) that the physical can't ever be totally separated from the mental, emotional & spiritual aspects of ourselves. Onward...
So, since it would seem that another compulsory admission and forced psych-drugs is the most important thing to avoid at this point, I suggest you do your best to ensure that doesn't happen (and hopefully eliminate that possibility entirely). I've done my best to come up with information about the laws in France regarding this, but the only complete document I could find was what was valid in 2002 (brief summary pasted below). The first thing you need to do (in my opinion) if you haven't already, is verify whether this information is still valid, and what (if any) changes have been made. Once you know the current laws, then I'll be able to give you some good tips on how you might be able to ensure your safety and prevent another forced admission.
Here's the summary:
There are two different procedures for involuntary placements in France. The first, known as “Hospitalisation d’office” (HO), is executed by the police for persons suffering from mental health problems and considered an endangerment to public safety. The second, ”Hospitalisation à la demande d’un tiers” (HDT), entitles family members or other close persons to apply to have someone placed involuntarily who might be unable to ask for help or care by him or herself.
It appears in France one must have "a confirmed mental disorder" AND "be a danger to his/her self" for the HDT forced admission....and meet a certain "risk level" (I couldn't find anything that explained or defined how the 'risk level' is determined).
Any physician in France can instigate the preliminary steps for an HO compulsory admission, but in either admission two "experts" (psychiatrists) must agree to the need for admission...and apparently the decision is finalized by a person outside the medical field that is a representative of the legal system (judge, mayor, etc), or other agencies independent of the medical profession.
France has no "maximum admission time" for initial forced admissions; re-evaluations are made as follows:
-- HDT-procedure: 15 days, then monthly
-- HO-procedure: 1 month, 3 month, 6 month
In Franceinvoluntarily placed patients might be treated without their consent in cases of emergency or should they lack the mental capacity to consent. There is no provision for free legal representation for those being admitted or treated compulsorily in France.
All in all - this is not that different from what can happen here :::sigh::: Please confirm that the above information is correct; if it is not, please gain the correct information and post it. 
So here's the questions that need answered to be able to come up with a 'safety plan':
--You said previously:
"...but one major obstacle keeps me away from doing so: my mother, with who I unfortunatly live, refuses to face the truth and see that I'm slowly dying because doctors, after doing blood works and scans and found nothing (or at least nothing potentially "fatal" to them), said her that it was all in my head. Being unable to hold any food anymore, I tried once juicing, and she decided with my doctor to send me for 6 weeks to the psych ward, because I was losing a lot of weight. I was forced to take a huge amount of psychotropic drugs..."
"...Plus, imagine what it's like to be forced (by your own mother and your doctor) to stay in a psych ward for 6 weeks under massive doses of antipsychotics, benzos, antidepressors (I had all that at once. And in NO WAY do I need any psycho drugs, believe me). The only way to get out of the hospital was to fake to all that I was getting better physically. Although I was suffering more and more everyday..."
"... I decided to give a shot at the IP program (IF1&2, some herbs, juicing, water enemas) back in last October, but was sent to the psychiatric hospital by my parents (!!!) who were afraid of the juicing thing (i was losing quite a lot of weight). I was forced to stay there two months, being forced to take massive doses of antidepressors, benzo, neuroleptics, doctors thinking that I was anorexic because my parents told them I was refusing to eat food anymore (because of the juicing). The meds didnt make me feel any better of course, and I managed to stop them recently on my own, except for the antidepressor...."

--So what actually happened "legally"?...either your mother (& father?) and a psychiatrist talked and they decided it was best for you to enter the psychiatrist ward (and indicated to you that you "had to", so you complied without being legally forced). OR your mother/father and psychiatrist went through all the legal channels and had you admitted HDT (or HO). Which?
--I see quite a bit about your mother, but not your father. What's his role in this situation?
--No matter which way you were admitted, they had to put some type of label or "diagnosis" on you (or more than one) for admission into the hospital. What were the specific diagnosis/es,
--What specific drugs/dosages were you given (or forced to take), and what was the reason for each drug?
--It appears that if you were admitted HDT/HO, they could 'treat you without your consent' (which is what you indicate happened). When the psychiatrist prescribed these various drugs, were you allowed to read the package inserts and discuss the various side-effects (or possible alternatives) before taking the drugs?
--My guess is that you somehow tried to question or refuse the drugs - what actually happened?
--What antidepressant are you now taking, and what dosage? What symptoms or side-effects are you experiencing (if any) from the antidepressant?
--Does you mom/dad and psychiatrist/s know that you've stopped taking everything but the antidepressant?   If so, what do they think about that?
--When you were discharged from the hospital, was there anything you had to agree to before they'd let you out? If so, what?
--Did you learn anything that was beneficial to you while in the hospital? If so, what?
--You said: Also, I'm seeing the psychiatrist in 2 days...
He will necessary notice that I lost weight. I'm started to really worry that they might consider sending me back to the psych ward. And this can not be considered: in the state I am, this would mean no more no less than death.
Since you're still posting, I assume the appointment with the psychiatrist went smoothly enough to keep you out of the hospital. How did that meeting go?
--Other than the juicing & weight loss issues, what reasons do you think your mom, dad and the psychiatrist had for admitting you to a psychiatric ward? Do you think any of their reasoning is valid? Why or why not.
--We ALL are in need of some sort of emotional/mental healing and adjusting our thought processes and reactions to be truly healthy. What issues are you aware of that would benefit you by changing?
Kcirla, after experiencing 15 years of depression (and all the psychiatric visits that entailed); having enough college hours to be only a couple of classes and a few internship hours away from being "officiall" as a psychologist/counselor, and having a LOT of experience with my mother's intense psychiatric issues, I know the "ins and outs" of talking with this kind of doctor better than any other. Some of the suggestions below might apply to parents as well as psychiatrists.
The first thing I'd like to advise you is to be sure to NEVER mention death or dying in regards to any way, when talking to a psychiatrist.  From everything I've read from your posts, it's obvious you are definitely compromised, but it's highly unlikely that these issues would result in actual death at your age in the near future (from what I can discern). So if you tell psychiatrists that you're dying, they're obviously going to (quickly) decide there's something seriously wrong with you mentally.   However, if you truly believe you are so critically that death is imminent, then you should avail yourself to those people & practitioners that can help you in the best way possible. Other things for consideration:
--never tell them they are wrong. If you totally disagree with them, reply with something like: "I understand why you might have that impression" -or- "if I were in your position, I might come to the same conclusion" -or- "what have I said/done to give you that impression?".
--This one is a maybe/maybe not...but with outpatient visits, sometimes (depending upon the psychiatrist-situation) I have found that taking a notebook and pencil out of my purse, explaining that I'm going to takes notes (so that I don't forget anything they say, and can research it later) and then have them review what I've written, helps to ensure they won't say or do anything that would cause them a problem legally. Then before the appointment is finished, I give it to them to review and initial. So that's something to consider doing. 
If you are ever forced back into the hospital, I highly suggest you take a notebook and keep a daily log of absolutely everything that happens - particularly the drugs you are forced to take and the reason the doctor told you that he/she is making you take them - and anything you say to explain why you don't feel you need them (basically, keep a personal record of any/everything that happens when you're an inpatient).
--in the US, hospitals/doctors are required to give you a copy of your medical records if you request it (sometimes there's a fee for copying it). I suggest you find out as soon as possible how to get a copy of your medical records, and get them in your hands. 
--if there is ANY way (free legal clinic? or something similar?), I suggest you find someone in the legal profession to discuss this with as soon as you possibly can. Your thoughts on that?
--And the absolute BEST "trick in the deck of cards" (at least if your laws are like those in the US). If you strongly sense that your mom/psychiatrist are going to have you 'force admitted' again? Before they have a chance to get all the legal paperwork done, sign yourself in willingly. That way, they canNOT control the length of your stay and they canNOT force you to take drugs you don't want to take. Check with a medical/legal expert to make sure this is the case in France (and what other complications might ensue), but unless you find something that is a strong negative, it's always MUCH better to be in psychiatric ward of your own volition that being committed by law.
WHEW, that pretty-much takes care of all that! :) One more concern/question before getting into the physical issues: 
You said:"...I am a firm believer in Uny's IP program, and after all I experimented this past year, I know that only this can help me. I am ready to fight as hard as I can to get my life back, and if it means I have to suffer even more before getting better (detoxing when severly sick is sometimes hardcore...), I'm ready for that..."
I'm glad to hear that you've got a strong healing attitude/mentality and you're willing to fight hard. Good for you - there's not many people in your age-group that have your attitude (or your level of knowledge)! Here's my question/concern:
I'm sure you realize that by juicing and doing coffee enemas, you're doing only a very small percentage of the IP. You've PMd me to see about shipping to France, and although we've never shipped to France, Dr. Schulzes company assures me they it shouldn't be any problem getting you product (if you choose to order it; still we have no control over Frances customs system so we can't guarantee anything). So here's my question/concern...
You say: "... Once, she even went to the point to throw away ALL my supplements, herbs, etc... There was probably for more than 800$ worth of's been more than one year now that I am bedridden, stuck at home, had to stop my studies, can't see friends, can't do anything basically. Even going for a 5 minute walk to buy my food is a battle.
So, you've said your mother doesn't believe or support you in anything you're doing naturally to heal yourself, you're bedridden and can't 'basically do anything' (which means you don't have a job)...yet you had $800 worth of supplements for her to throw away, you're obviously getting/buying produce for juice somehow, you just purchased a water distiller and you're now living away from home with a friend. ??? Anybody that knows me, knows that 'money' is the least of my concerns...but in order to give you good advice (and make herbal suggestions that are within your budget), I have to have some idea of what's happening with your money situation. So, (please excuse me if this is a rude question), but where in the world is all your money coming from? And if you have your own personal "money angel" (lol) could you please tell me how to get one of my own? :::grin:::
I'm going to go ahead and suggest all the products that I discern will be of benefit on your healing pathway. Like I always say, it's up to you to decide what to do with the information.
Symptoms/Issues that need to be healed (as I understand them from all your posts):
--IBS and/or constipation
--Leaky Gut (possibly)
--Inability to gain weight
--Inability/difficulty digesting solid foods
--Low immune system
--Ankylosis spondylitis
--Pancreatic issues
--Liver compromise (and flukes)
--Kidney compromise, frequent urination with burning
--Pain/burning in various organs
What you're doing/taking currently (please correct any errors and answer questions)
--Juice fasting - 10-14 10oz glasses of juice daily (typically carrots & other vegetables, no fruit)
--Coffee Enemas - 4 daily (what kind of coffee are you using? and how are you preparing the CE solutions?)
--Superfood daily - what kind/brand and how much?
--Flax seed - ground or whole - how much?
--Psyllium - seeds or husks (or both)? ground/powdered, or whole? how much?
--Are you still doing/taking any of this? milk thistle, dandelion root, echinacea, superfood, some juicing, enzymes (bromelain/pancreatin). If so, what 'brand' or form of herbs & enzymes (and how much daily)?
--Apple Cider Vinegar (several tablespoons daily)
As always when I'm recommending products/protocols, I recommend that people do as much as they possibly can at the same time (our bodies work MUCH better if we assist "all systems" at the same time, rather than trying to make just one work when ignoring the others). And I always recommend what I think will be the most effective (in the doses I believe to be "enough"). I understand that many people (for various reasons) can not or will not 'do it all' (and that does not offend or insult me). It's simply a matter of me "doing my best" to recommend what I have learned to be most effective, rather than 'putting limitations on someone's healing' by not suggesting a complete protocol.
IF#1/IF#2 - I never recommend juice fasting without IF#2 (of course, the IF#1 is necessary if you can't achieve 3 bms daily without it). We need the fiber AND the charcoal/bentonite for the detoxing that juice-fasting causes. Of course, the daily CE's are very beneficial in this regard - but heavy metals are very often present with candida, and if metals are released from the tissues, we NEED the bentonite/charcoal to help adsorb them (so they don't overburden the liver & kidneys). If you're able to achieve 3 bms (with or without the IF#1), it sounds to me the like the IF#2 Ultra (extra bentonite/charcoal) would be very beneficial to you....especially with the burning sensations you're experiencing. If you can't get the IF#2, then definitely do your best to get both activated charcoal and bentonite clay as soon as possible. For a substitute? I suggest mixing a teaspoon of ground psyllium husks; 1-2 teaspoons of ground flax seed, 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal and about 1/2 teaspoon of bentonite (and any other of the IF#2 herbs you can get); mix that with 4-8 oz of juice, followed by 8oz of water, several times a day. Be SURE to keep the bowels moving, no matter what you do. This is very important for everyone, but 'extra-important' with the symptoms you're describing.
Unyworm Liquid and Dry/Ground herbs (or some type of parasite herbs of your choice). If choosing Unyworm and you can only afford one, get the dry herbs. It's virtually impossible to eliminate intestinal critters without using dry herbs mixed with a deep colon cleanser (like the IF#2) to drive the herbs into the main feeding, breeding and hiding places of the parasites.
Liver/GB cleansing & healing - since you're doing multiple CE's and multiple liver flushes, there's really no need to do the 5-day cleanse. If you're using parasite herbs AND taking large doses of ground milk thistle seeds, you could do without the Liver/GB tincture...but you'd be missing the "bitter" of the tincture, which is very beneficial for stimulating the liver to produce bile. So rather than getting the full Liver Cleanse package (10 days worth), I suggest you can 'get by' with just a 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB Tincture (using 5 drops on your tongue, 5x daily). That'll be enough for a couple of months of that type of usage. 
Blood DeTox Tincture - In the Liver cleanse packages there are three products - the LIver/GB tincture (above), the Liver Detox/Digestion tea (which is very soothing to the digestive tract, especially if you're experiencing gas/bloating or other digestive disturbance), and the Blood DeTox Tincture (which some folks might consider optional). I think it may be something that would be incredibly beneficial for you. Read about it here: Dr. Schulze suggests (and so do I): 2 dropperfuls (70 drops) 4 to 6 times a day for a week...that's about 2oz per week.
Cayenne - Hmmm, why am I seeing NOTHING about Cayenne in ANY of your posts? 100,000 HU (Heat Units) or hotter - you definitely want the powder for the Candida/gut issues - start at 1/8 teaspoon 3x daily and work up to 1 teaspoon 3x daily. After 3 days at a level 1/8 teaspoon, go to a heaping 1/8 teaspoon for 3 day, then a level 1/4 teaspoon, etc. Some people can take much more, much quicker...but that's a nice steady pace for most. I've sent you a PM with "Cayenne Files" for you to read. This is essential for many different reasons.
Superfood  - 6 Tablespoons daily for nutrition and protein (each tablespoon of Superfood Original is 1/4 protein). If you can get extra Nutritional Yeast (Red Star #T6635), it is 1/2 protein "by weight". Here's a great recipe for "cheese sauce" that you could use on any steamed veggie (or just by the spoonful): (scroll down to the middle of the post for the recipe)
Slippery Elm Bark - both to prevent weight loss, digestive tract healing and great nutrition! I suggest 1-3 tablespoons daily, each made into 1 cup or more of "porridge" (using juice to make it is 'tastier' than water), and you could use something like coconut milk (technically coconut milk IS "juice") to add fat & calories. Be creative - it can be very yummy with various spices, sprouted seeds/nuts (ground for easier digestion). Here's information and instructions:
Kidney Cleanse (2 five-day cleanses every month - with a 3 day Kidney Stone/Bad Calcium flush on days 2,3 & 4 of each of the five day cleanses). This 'Bad Calcium flush' contains herbs that will dissolve rock-based calcium and "hard minerals". It's "required" to do at least one during a 30 day IP, but with your spinal issues, an extra one would likely be extremely beneficial. Here's the instructions:
To be continued tomorrow - healthiest of blessings! Uny


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