15 y
Re: Can My Marriage Be Saved?
I've read the responses, and this caught my eye:
"I know old people who never found true love and are lonely, and I know people that stuck together through the cheating.
The ones that stuck it out are happier."
This surprised another poster as it would many people if it were confirmed to be true. It doesn't surprise me, though.
What you do will depend on your priorities. Our society and Hollywood idealize the flame of new romantic love. The flame will lesson over the years. I think in our old age, companionship will become far more important which is why couples that stuck it out may be generally happier. Each couple will have had some difficult times.
Think long term. Would you rather be with a companion who you are good friends although in your younger years you knew she wasn't passionately in love with you? You still love her and love having her around, so wouldn't this be better? Or do you think it is worth being in the dating pool again - which is not so fun if you're looking for something real. You will have to go through emotional and financial disaster in order to divorce. Your son will have trouble, yes, but you will as well.
Some food for thought. Best wishes, I hope you embrace whichever decision you make.