Re: Urine smelling body odour - help~
I feel you pain.
Drink yarrow tea before taking a bath in
Epsom Salts - the purpose is to sweat as much as possible. After getting out of the tub, wrap up your body and head with towels and get under a blanket and continue to sweat. Keep some room temperature water next to you to sip on. After about 30-60 minutes, take a cool shower. Do this twice per week if you can.
Look into Torf Mud for detox. You can take a bath in the mud every other day for 21 days.
Drink lots of filtered water
No sugar, no white flour, no vinegar, nothing fermented.
Eat raw organic if you can especially green foods
Keep a food diary so that you'll know triggers.
Chew on cloves - they help eliminate
parasites (90% of the population has them)
Drink clove tea
Move your bowels often
Antibiotics are affecting your bowel flora. Probiotics are key
I wish only the best for you. I too have an odor that smells musty/sulfury, and I eat certified organic veggies, very little fruit. I am determined to beat this.