This smell that you are smelling where is it coming from? You know I read in a forum recently, I was havng some sinuitis problems and there were people there who said that they had kept smelling an odor in their noses and they thought it was coming from other parts of their bodies. They later found out that it was their SINUSES THAT WERE INFECTED, and that it indeed caused them to have a strong odor.
The guy said he went to the doctor and he was diagnosed with a sinus infection. And what he did was he took nasal spray pump bottle, put 20 % peroxide and 50% percent water and sprayed it up his nose 5 or more times a day and the odor disappeared. It seemed to help my sinues because they were inflammed, and dry and the nasal saline wasn't helping.
It burns a little, but my sinuses do seem clearer. You can also drink acv and water for sinus infections because it is an antibiotic, just rinse your mouth afterwards to prevent damage to tooth enamel. I don't know but it's just a hunch that lots of people who constantly think they smell and it could be coming from their nose if you constantly smell the odor all the time. You can also do a sniff test on yourself to see also.
I have hypothyroid and I do sweat sometimes, but I take zinc and I also use Potassium Iodite which really helps to keep the thyroid under control. The zinc may help reduce some of the sweating. But if you are having sinus problems and odor you can also google your symptoms and of course see a doctor.
I know I'm not a doctor but to say that thyroid problems are due to parasites is very, very wrong. Some thyroid problems are hereditery and most times it's due to lack of iodine in the body and it deals with the hormones. There are many people in my family who have had thyroid problems. And I can guarantee it's not because we all had parasite problems.