Re: 33 Days
Hey Sun!
... My sense of the pink tongue issue is this--the tongue is a reflection of the alimentary canal: the shole 'shebang' from mouth to anus...But even so, this is not the entire body; not by far. However!!! for many/most people, the alimentary canal is the *main* CONTRIBUTING problem, when it comes to health! This somewhat clarifies the white and furry tongue, right?
Yet, when that system is mainly dealt with, (which again, for most people, is a 'food' issue), then, there IS more to work on. There can be many, many levels of work, down to the smallist part of a cell. lots of levels. Each more subtle.
(I don't think my stomach/colon etc. is compacted with suff, and so forth, ( as is so for many) -- Maybe this explains why my tongue has never really been LESS than pink.
... I believe the focus on it, vis a vis the water fast is that it so DIRECTLY refers to the digestive system; the thinking then was, when the tongue cleared, with the right diet post-fast, ALL things could be healed. Health really DOES have so much to do with digestion...
Hi Chiron :). Very interesting information and this would explain a lot :). Thank you!