Iodine for Thyroid.
This is my fist time posting here, I've been actively posting on hair loss forums for the past 3 years. I'm now 20 years old have believe I'm suffering some sort of thyroid condition.
When I was 17 years old I started losing hair, but it was in the typical MPB pattern, so I always assumed I just had typical Premature MPB. But the problem was I always had a itchy and inflamed scalp. So 3 years later after having a extremely hard time with my hair loss, literally changing my life, I decide to try supplementing Iodine. Suddenly after 3 years of suffering through an extremely itchy scalp and aggressive, embarrassing hair loss I think
Iodine my actually be helping. While my hair loss hasn't stopped my extreme itchy scalp has stopped. I'm guessing that the hair loss which eventually stop because I believe the inflamed/Itchy scalp was a big part of it.
My Mother had Hypothyroidism and my sister had some thyroid problem which involved a goiter. If I'm right goiters only occur with Hashimoto's and Hyperthyroidism. My maternal uncle also has Type 2 Diabetes which I'm told always occurs in a Hypothyroid state.
So I'm 20 years old and I've come to this forum because you guys seem to know what you are talking about when it comes to Iodine. I can tell you exactly what my experience has been with
Iodine because I've only been on it for 1.5 days. Anyway here it goes.
First Day I have very heavy Inflamed/Itchy scalp also I'm quite tired so I decide that I eventually act on what some of the members of the hair loss forums said and supplement
Iodine because I have a very high chance of having Hypothyroidism because of my Family history. So I take the Iodine in the form of Iosol. I take 2 drops which is about 3.8mg I think. After about 25 minutes I feel very energetic and have a better mood, both things in which I been lacking for the past 3 years. After about an hour the consistent itchy scalp I've had for 3 years subsided, I couldn't believe it, seriously you guys don't understand how aggressive it actually was, I never associated it with Hypothyroidism because MPB is often accompanied by inflammation in the thinning areas. I always thought since I was losing my hair so young that the inflammation would typically be more aggressive, yet that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems that my hair loss and itchy scalp are directly tied into the functions of my Thyroid. So after about 3 hours I felt slightly sick, nothing much and it seems to dissipate after about an hour or so. The next day I wake up for the first time with an itch free scalp. I go down and take 1 drop of Iosol. I feel the same as the day before except and this is where the problem lies I start to get pains in my neck around the jaw line and down towards my collar bone, my neck feels kind of stiff and I'm prone to touching it a lot now.
So lets recap:
Family history of Thyroid problem.
Premature hair loss and other hypothyroid signs.
Try Iodine. 2 Drops.
Itchy scalp immediately gone.
Feel slightly sick.
Try Iodine again. 1 Drop.
Neck Pains, Slightly tired.
So the main reason I wrote on this forum was to find out what is causing these neck pains?. I've heard they are detox symptoms but should I be worried that I might actually be damaging my Thyroid. Typically since it's causing a slight pain a normal person would believe it's doing bad, right?. I've taken a blood test before and been told that "Everything's good" but I think we all know that the Thyroid is never diagnosed properly. I'm just afraid that if it is Hashimotos that I could actually aggravate it.. Now I know that you guys are mostly pro-iodine but I'd love a wide outlook on this, I'm afraid my younger sister might have a similar thyroid problem so I'd like to be able to help if she does. But honestly are these neck pains dangerous? Could I be inducing a thyroid problem or causing a goiter?
Sorry for the long post, but you don't understand how hard it was to suffer inflamed, itchy scalp and aggressive premature hair loss for the past 3 years and at such a young age (17-20), when something completely eliminates such a big factor in my life I want to understand it completely! You guys seem like the best plan, Thanks and try to answer as much as possible...