I had 2 roadrunners hanging around for a year. I only saw one snake skin and only once. I now have no sitings of snakes or lizards. The roadrunners have moved on to "greener pastures". Once while I was watching a roadrunner stalking (they stalk like cats), I watched as it got closer and closer to the window. It then attacked. I just had to get closer to see what was going on; even if it was going to scare the bird away. It was about to attack my black garden hose. Bird brain. Fortunately it realized that the victim was already dead. No holes in the hose.
The east Indians keep peacocks and peahens as pets. They will even kill cobras. The Hawaiians imported the mongoose. Now they are sorry; even though they have no snakes except in the zoo.
It might be difficult to woo roadrunners to your area; but you could get a couple of peacocks/hens. People in the North Carolina mountains do this successfully. Just feed them. Unfortunately they can get loud sometimes. Sounds like babies crying.