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Re: Way off topic but how do you get rid of rattle snakes?
  Views: 9,214
Published: 15 y
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Re: Way off topic but how do you get rid of rattle snakes?

 I don't know about all those poisonous snakes Spud. The only ones we have to worry about are rattlers and they're not aggressive, as Hv said.

I used to like holding my kids snakes, especially the ball pythons. Once their albino corn snake got lost in the house and had babies and they were all over the place. It was alarming when they were in my clothes, or the washing machine, but not dangerous for us. 

I don't think I could live with deadly reptiles or insects all over the place. How do you hike around in the summer? With high boots and guns? It's amazing what people put up with in their lives, like earthquakes (here), tornadoes, tsunamis, deadly critters, and people!

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