My friend lives on a few acres within the city limits and they have an 8 foot rattle snake in their garden, along with babies.
How do they get rid of them?
Good advice Spud. Unfortunately, they're territorial, and they've taken to my firends garden. From what the police and other people say around here he's going to have to find someone to remove them because it's illegal to shoot them in city limits.
I posted on craigslist tonight and already got the number for a snake wrangler. Gotta love the internet.
Deadly snakes are a problem that I deal with every summer where I live. Are rattlesnakes territorial? If they are then the only way to take care of them is to have them taken far away, where they are unable to return, or to kill them. If they are not territorial, then scaring them off will work, snakes are very shy creatures, and will leave a place where they are being constantly disturbed, they do not like a lot of noise and vibration, so stomping around and banging a few pots and pans loudly, will usually see them off.
Yes, rattlers are more scared of us than we are of them. Given a chance to escape they will generally take that route. They only attack if they feel trapped or threatened. Kind of like this guy who I had to chase down to get his photo:
He does look intimidated by you.
What do you think about introducing King snakes to the garden? My boys used to catch them, along with garter snakes every May around Mother's Day. There must be some boys around here that would like to make some extra money, but would they stay and eat the baby rattlers?
He does look intimidated by you.
I kept trying to get him to stay still and say cheese but he just refused to cooperate.
What do you think about introducing King snakes to the garden? My boys used to catch them, along with garter snakes every May around Mother's Day. There must be some boys around here that would like to make some extra money, but would they stay and eat the baby rattlers?
I would think that as long as there is a good source of food handy that they would stay. After all it would be a long slither home on an empty stomach.
I don't know about all those poisonous snakes Spud. The only ones we have to worry about are rattlers and they're not aggressive, as Hv said.
I used to like holding my kids snakes, especially the ball pythons. Once their albino corn snake got lost in the house and had babies and they were all over the place. It was alarming when they were in my clothes, or the washing machine, but not dangerous for us.
I don't think I could live with deadly reptiles or insects all over the place. How do you hike around in the summer? With high boots and guns? It's amazing what people put up with in their lives, like earthquakes (here), tornadoes, tsunamis, deadly critters, and people!
Life. You gotta love it. We created it.
They use to sell the blue ring octopi at a aquarium store here. You had to sign a release that you are aware of how deadly they are and take full responsibility if your pet kills you in order to buy one.
And the first life I ever saved was a man stung by a stone fish in his aquarium. Luckily I was working the ER that day after school because the doctors did not have a clue how to treat him. But I took up scuba diving when I was 11 and we had to learn marine poisons as part of our training. It's amazing what people keep as pets.
What would worry me most in the water over there are the box jellyfish. I have seen what they can do. If you somehow manage to survive you will wish you did not!!!
Without upsetting the balance of nature (ie: killing the snakes) they can be caught easily with a length of PVC and a loop of cord at the end. We have moved our snakes to an area that we do not travel, with no mishaps. If we had the time, it would be no problem to show you the trick. Good Luck. William at....
I have done this type of thing before and can do it safely. As long as you know the location of the snake and her offspring it should be no problem. King snakes will not neccesarily solve this problem. If you wish you can call me...Dave at ....
kingsnakes are more expensive than you might imagine. their existence outside of nature is regulated by fish and game. The Real Deal for all snakes who rattle is shoot first and ask questions later, much later. A very useful tool around rattlesnakes is a 4-10 shotgun. It is very fatal for such vermin and mommie can handle it all by herself. Snakebite can easily be fatal to children, old folks, and pets. A 4-10 can be legally and easily obtained in your town on El Camino. In the meanwhile you will be waiting to comply with assinine, needless, state law. 30 days. try Walmart for boxes of mothballs, buy SEVERAL. Scatter them liberally in a wide swath around your house and where the pets and children play. Do Not Overlook the places where you have water, they will come to it. The mothballs defeat the snakes ability to navigate by detection of movement and heat sensing by their tongue. Be safe, make rattlesnakes sorry.
My friend lives on a few acres within the city limits and they have an 8 foot rattle snake in their garden, along with babies.
How do they get rid of them?
Show them the Bar-B-Q sauce Taste just like chicken.
Seriously they should call animal control if there is one there and if they cannot handle it then they will know who to contact. These are best removed by someone with experience. Especially the babies since they are deadlier than the adults.
Turns out my friend just had a huge garter snake and probably some other snakes, but no rattlers were found.
According to a fish & game guy, baby snakes don't show up until September and rattlers don't get that big. There have been rattlesnake sightings reported by the police and on the news, so it's possible one's hanging around there.
They're probably hiding in all the tall weeds, under rocks and in gopher holes. My friends said they weed whacked all around the garden, made a lot of noise and basically did what you said, cleaned up.
Thanks everyone. It was fun.