Re: minor correction...: )
".. how un-gentle allopathic medicine is sometimes... scary to be made aware of this but ... really necessary to my health!"
yes, exactly. And this recognition leads to a connected seeing: that one is un-gentle with *oneself*.
which brings to mind Michael's advice (a forum member we've not seen for some time). He would greet other posters as "sweet soul", in itself a precious reminder of "who" it really is that's behind all these appearances of separate bodies and selves.
His prescription generally was: *"have imperishable patience". His 'threadside manner' was enough to soothe the savage breast (where the uneasy heart gets lost in panic). I'm not sure who said *it first, but I always think of him, cause I heard it from him. Every thread he was a part of turned gentle and courageous, both. (I'm sorry to make it sound as though he only exists in some past, long gone--the fact is, he's here now, in these words! which is pretty nice; one of those time-less miracles, as it were.) In the end, for all that "water fasting" is a life-changing process,
Water Fasting is only what appears to be happening; behind all that, it's only the self coming to be at Home in the Self.
I think, in water fasting, as we practise it, a good thing to reflect on is: the lion lying down with the lamb. (We misinterpret this as being about sacrifice, but it's not) And best to lie down (!truly at rest!) while gently pondering what this truly means.
best, C