Hi Powerray, I feel your pain. I agree with all of the advice given, especially from Mighty. If there is anything that has stuck with me in all of my fasting endeavors...from the information I obtained from experienced fasters & Dr
Herbert Shelton is Never, if you can help it, break a fast when you're in the middle of a healing crisis. The healing crisis is a very good thing. Your body is Right Now, clearing, healing, purging the garbage it no longer needs. Hang in there....the more you focus on how lousy you feel, the more lousy you will feel. How do I know this? Because you're an amazing creative being. What you think, you create. What you create, your experience. I know it's challenging to feel so terrible and weak, but part of fasting is gearing up for these moments and knowing with full faith what is happening. Again, it's demonstrating the fast is working for your personally. Probably has something to do with mucuos being expunged from your lungs and other parts of your body. I'm sensing it's your respiratory system. Have you ever smoked or were you living in a polluted environment, inhaling 2nd hand smoke? I'm seeing so clearly this is SO GOOD for you to go through this. It's coming out my friend and you're healing beyond your wildest expectations.
I have personally broken a fast during a healing crisis and let me tell you something from experience. If you think you're feeling bad now, you will feel 1000x worse for as long as your body needs to take to clear out whatever it's trying to heal. That's because when you start eating again, it increases the detox and you're in essence piling more garbage onto what is trying to be released. In my case, I had a headache and felt weak during my 1st
Water Fast years ago. I think it was Day 7. When I stopped, the headache and lack of energy persisted for 5-6 weeks even when I juiced highly nutritions foods. Be careful not to break your fast when you're feeling low. Especially when you first starting doing this. Later after you heal and release more toxins, you it probably won't matter as much. Wait at least until you feel okay in your body. Trust the advice you're being given and of course, take from it what resonates with you.
[This is not medical advice that I've given and with that I'll say, always listen to your body]. Your body holds all of your answers. If you're feeling something is off and your intuition is raising a siren's call of alarm, pay attention to that. I have a sense however, this has something to do with your lungs & overall respiratory system. In 2-3 days you'll feel better, if not sooner.