Re: Day Three: Officially Sneezy (oh help)
Thanks again, Mighty. I am staying with it! But I really have got to raise my spirits & motivation!!!! I don't know how to do this. Actually I sort of have an idea, 2 ideas ,but they both involve getting out of bed. So they are not really practical. So I am in some pretty serious trouble and danger still.
However, as I get to day 4 now, I am approaching the halfway point of 7 days. I feel I can repeat what I have just done. I hardly even need to count the final 24 hours or so because that seems easy. I know what I may eat to break the fast. I thought: a lemon; a LOT of cilantro, fresh; alfalfa sprouts; tender red & green baby greens. I guess I am not going to eat anything hugely antibacterial or fungicidal.. oregano /garlic just don't appeal, though DRIED oregano does... ... maybe some fresh raw horseradish... maybe but I am really not sure about, raw vinegar... the other stuff feels right to me. whaddya think? course i have to wait & see how i feel. i do hope i get done with the flipping heavy detox (already it is easing up. do i dare hope?) before 7 days are up. I don't want to have the experience of compulsively dragging myself to the grocery store all sick and then compulsively eating food my body just doesn't want.
What I do hope is: that I have LEARNED some emotional skills & learning. I mean, I have twice now pulled myself forward through times of REALLY wanting to quit this fast. What an achievement, and one which will make the next time easier. I hope keeping a long fast becomes second nature! I need it to!
I think you may have no idea what a big deal this is to me,how I am breaking horrible habits of decades' duration. So every time you say the slightest positive thing to me it really really helps. ... I know I have burst out previously in posts here about how worthwhile fasting is to me, but at the moment I JUST CANNOT SEE IT. ...I can endure for now ... however... I have to really work out in detail in my "official" or "dwarf" post of today how TODAY to protect myself and my spirit to continue.
Best regards and thanks again,