dosing how to make/use b & b formula, b, f & c formula & the nine herb formulas
1 the b and b formula (I would say 30-60 drops (2 dropperfuls)3- 5 times a day.
it contains one part of each of the following herbs: blue cohosh, black cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap, and lobelia
if you weigh much more above or below this weight use Clark's rule
Use Clark's rule if you are much above or below the weight of 150
pounds to get the right dose using 60 drops as a dose (example if one is giving to someone weighing 300
pounds they would use double the dose as 300 is double 250 so they would take 120 drops (4 dropperfuls or if 225 pound they would use 90 drops or 3 dropperfuls and so forth more on this here
2 the nine herb nerve formula --dose 30-60 drops or 1-2 dropperfuls 3-5 times a day for someone weighing about 150..over or under that wight use clark's rule above
I looked up the formula in his book and he uses one part of each herb
black cohosh, cayenne, hops flowers, lady slipper root, lobelia. skullcap, valerian, wood betony, and mistletoe. He recommends taking it with a glass of raw
Celery juice or steam distilled water.
If making yourself, be sure to use organic or wildcrafted herbs if possible for best results.
3 the bone, flesh and cartilage formula (b,f and c) ..generally one takes organic herbal tinctures 60 drops (2 dropperfuls) 3-5 times a day.
Also use the b,f and c formula as a fomentation soak your natural cloth in the b,f and c tea (some use a t shirt. Wrap around the entire head and trailing back the sure to cover the spine and upper three cervical and medulla oblongata. I believe Dr Schulze used fomentations at night and some in the daytime. Some times one covers it with plastic like saran wrap and tapes it to maintain the heat and hold it in place.
more on the b, f and c formula and its use here
I also looked up this formula in his book and it uses 6 parts oak bark, 6 parts comfrey root, 3 parts marshmallow root, 3 parts mullein, 3 parts walnut leaves or bark, 3 parts gravel root, 2 parts
Wormwood , 1 part lobelia, and 1 part skullcap,
buy organic or wildcrafted bulk herbs to make your tincture with 80 proof grain alcohol (vodka)
To make the fomentation tea, soak the herb combination (one ounce of herb formula to one pint of distilled water) for 4-6 hours and then simmer for 30 minutes, strain and reduce liquid down to its volume by simmering over low heat (he does not say how much to reduce it..I would guess by 1/2) To retard spoilage of large batches, add vegetable glycerine. Here is the example he gave in the book for instance one gallon of tea (simmered not boiled) down to two
quarts (so I guess it is reduced by half as I guessed) and add one pint of vegetable glycerine. He says to never use synthetic clothes but only natural like flannel, cotton etc in the solution. wrap the soaked cloth around the malfunctioning area and cover with plastic to keep it from drying out. Leave it on all night 6 nights a week week after week until relief appears. If making it into a tea instead of a tincture he says to use a cup of the tea with 3/4ths cup of distilled water 3 times a day
these formulas would also help nerve disorders like Lou Gehrig's, ms, muscular dystrophy. myasthenia gravis etc.