a program to help schizophrenics naturally
Here is a comprehensive plan I have found so far.
Here is some help from Dr John R Christopher who said he successfully treated schizophrenia many times. I was listening to his tape today school of natural healing and though he did not talk long on it been in the midst of other questions, here is what he said to use
More on how to make the three formulas, what herbs are in it and their proportions and how to make it or use it in the next posts
take these three formulas, also use the b, f and c as a fomentation (explained below) according to Dr Christopher who had clinical success with them with real people with schizophrenia in during his practice.
In addition, I would be sure to do the fish oil mentioned at the bottom. I would also take torula yeast (red star large flake) several times a day as a superior source of b vitamins as it helps the nerves and nervous system.
Also be sure you are getting all the b vitamins and amino acids daily.
the three herb formulas are as follows:
1 the b and b formula (take 30-60 drops which is one to two dropperfuls 3-5 times a day)
(see next post for more on this)
note --use Clark's rule for dosing if you weigh a lot more or less than 150..see next post.
Dr Christopher who gave these prescriptions of the three formulas on his tapes, school of natural healing (total 8 tapes..this info was on tape 8..no longer in print) when asked how to help schizophrenics said he had success with these three formulas for schizophrenics
In his big herbal book, School of natural healing, of this b and b tincture, he says "it is used for nervous conditions, sore throat, hiccups. restore malfunctioning motor nerves, assist in adjusting poor equilibrium and hearing, and a great blessing to epileptics)."
2 the nine herb nerve formula (take 30-60 drops which is 1 to 2 dropperfuls of tincture 3-5 times a day)
the nine herb formula to speed it up I am pretty sure he is here referring to the nerve formula called nine herbs formula he refers to as relax-ese..this is also the one in his book the school of natural healing
he says this about one of the causes of the nerve sheath becoming frayed through our diets in this quote from his website herballegacy.com
"the sheaths of the nerves have been worn or eaten away by the calcium having been leached off with the sugars that we take so much in beverages, candies, pastries and from the many breads that turn to
Sugar in the body.
When the sheaths are thus worn off the nerves lose their energy and their power."
Dr Christopher in his book the school of natural healing says of this formula that this formula "is used to relieve nervous tension and insomnia, It is mildly stimulating yet lessons the excitability and excitement of the nervous system and also lessons and reduces pain."
"It contains herbs that feed and revitalize the motor nerve at the base of the skull (medula area and upper cervicals) and also herbs that help rebuild the spinal cord. This group of nerves will also rebuild the frayed nerve sheath, the nerve itself and its capillaries."
what is in it or where to get it if you do not make it yourself is in next post
3 the bone, flesh and cartilage formula (b,f and c) take 30-60 drops which is 1-2 dropperfuls 3-5 times a day
..generally one takes organic herbal tinctures 60 drops (2 dropperfuls) 3-5 times a day.
ALSO use the b,f and c formula as a fomentation
To do this, you soak your natural cloth in the b,f and c tea (some use a t shirt). Wrap around the entire head and trailing back the back..be sure to cover the spine and upper three cervical and medulla oblongata. I believe Dr Schulze used fomentations at night and some in the daytime. Some times one covers it with plastic like saran wrap and tapes it to maintain the heat and hold it in place. Sometimes one uses with a heating pad.
more on the b, f and c formula and its use here
The proportions of the herbs in it and how to make it for use as a fomentation in the next post.
Use the right proportions of the bulk organic herbs for making your tincture for internal use or make a tea and also how to make the fomentation for external use which is needed are in the next post.
Organic and/or wildcrafted herbs are superior over conventional and contain 7-10 times the phytochemicals and nutrients that cure and prevent diseases. Tinctures are better than teas as the alcohol menstrum extracts more of the plant chemical than water can, but teas are 2nd best. Capsules are generally not recommended due to poor absorption. Tinctures are directly absorbed into the bloodstream bi-passing digestion.
The reason the b, f and c is used, Christopher said, is it rebuilds the nerves and nerve sheath (lecithin and nutritional yeast (torula) also help rebuild the nerve sheath/nerves for things like MS, Lou Gehrig's etc) so maybe add some of that to smoothies, nut butters, and applesauce).
b, f and c contains 10-12 herbs that are all a complete food for specific areas and aids all parts of the body and the brain. It not only helps cysts and tumors but ulcers, pressures and various things of this type.
These herbs leech out the inorganic materials and feed back in the organic materials that feed the brain. They also remove worms (in the brain I assume he means)...its a vermifuge in itself. He says they have seen it do "absolutely miraculous things."
In his book, Dr Christopher says this formula is an aid for malfunction in bone, flesh and cartilage and is is excellent for varicose veins, curvature of the spine, tremors, skin eruptions, pulled muscles, blood clots, calcium spurs, etc."
4 also see my answer here and take the fish oil (or if vegan comparable amounts of vegan sources such as flaxseed oil. Other sources of omega three fatty acids are flaxseeds, raw walnuts and purslane to supplement the fish oil or flaxseed oils. chia seeds are also an excellent source of omega three fats..sometimes chia seeds is called salba.