Well spud,
Assuming most models have a bigger boost in their egos, they trample on the average folk almost like a right bestowed upon them. Women especially get off, get a high, feeling like they are good looking and want that attention and affirmation due to an inherent insecurity admitted by most.
I don't like to play the blame game, but certain actions need to occur on the original poster's behalf.
He needs to change his point of view or confront his issues with the way someone is behaving toward's him. If confronting the issues, he needs to do the last thing on his mind and that is telling this person how he feels and point out all the occasions that bothered him. If it is a change of view, then my prior post will suffice.
In any relationship, painting clear boundaries is important through verbalization and understanding on all parties involved. It is as simple as this: I gave you a present for your birthday and you loved it, but you knew about my birthday and didn't even seem to care by not doing anything.
This should have happened within a week of poster's b-day.
Then, any other occurrence should be verbalized to the parties involved that symbolize the poster's grief with the action or inaction of said occurrence.
Eventually, regardless of excuses, the poster needs to paint the boundary with consequences such as "The relationship is over between us if so-and-so happens again!"
Then again, some people just love getting trampled or abused and never set boundaries.
If a friend truly respects you, then the boundaries will stay uncrossed. It is up to the perceiver of boundaries to make the coherent decision to end a relationship by considering all factors and acting on behalf of raw evidence, not only speculatory excuses.
And spud, some people don't even realize that they are doormats until another person points it out for them.