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Re: Hey Infected Intolerant, just getting back to ya

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Surfer27 Views: 5,917
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Re: Hey Infected Intolerant, just getting back to ya

Hey Infected Intolerant,
Surfer27, just getting back to ya. How are you? Well, from what I've read, a urine Body Odor , can be the result of the liver not functioning properly. In that case, it might be best, if you do a liver cleanse and see what happens. You can find a whole bunch of Liver Cleansing products, just by typing up liver cleanse on Google and searching them out online. In terms of your different odors on your body you are smelling, fecal odor can be the result of numerous things, gone wrong within the body. Usually, when a person has fecal Body Odor , it can be the result of constipation, not having a bowel cleanse, hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, not eating right, weakened pelvic floor muscles, or even possibly anal incontience. You can google what all of these words mean and it'll come up on google with an explanation. Fecal odors can also be related to liver problems, or digestive problems in which case if you think it's digestive problems, you may want to take zinc picolanate with a probiotic for the body as well. If you body smells of fish, the only thing I've come across on the Internet, that explains fishy Body Odor , is what's called TMAU (Trimethyluminaria), which is a body disease where the body doesn't secrete a certain enzyme within the body and causes the body to smell like fish daily. You can also look up what TMAU is on google by doing a search. In terms of your other body odors, I would suggest you look into a product called Betaine HCL with pepsin, which is suppose to help people who've got problems with digestive issues, as well as for people who've got chicken body odors and the like. A person on curezone, had said that he had suffered from different body odors, just like yourself and he tried Betaine HCL and it helped him lessen his body odors. Just a thought. If I was you, speaking from my own personal experience, I would definetly, go back to the doctors and get more tests done and if they can't help you, then go and find a different doctor, who can help you. Maybe even go to a Proctologist, who is a doctor who inspects people's anuses, to see if there are any underlying conditions. I know it may be uncomfortable, but it's worth finding out, what you have for that extra peace of mind, right? I know what i have given you, seems like a lot of information and your probably thinking whoa, information overload, but look at this way, your problems didn't happen overnight, they probably took years to develope and get worse, so you have to look at it this way, for you to get better, means it's going to take time to, until you find some answers!!! One last thing, I would definetly consider going to a chinese herbalist and explain to him or her, of what your symptoms are and what you've noticed happening in your body recently. That's about all the information I can think about giving you at this time. I hope that this helps you and that, you find some answers!! Alright, gotta go, but take care and God bless you.


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