Hey BigJohn Brown, how's it going?
Hey BigJohnBrown,
Surfer27 here. I read your text and my heart, does go out to you. Like you, I have tried everything on the market, to combat this Fecal
Body Odor , but haven't had any success at all!! Two acquaintances of mine who I know, mentioned trying these 2 things, to see if there's even a marked improvement in their fbo issues. 1) She suggested looking into trying a chinese detox tea, made of various chinese herbs and 2)the other acquaintance mentioned looking into Betaine HCL with Pepsin. I don't know what you have tried and haven't tried, but if we can compare stuff we have tried, maybe we can help eachother out. I know with the Betaine HCL, it has helped some people on this curezone forum, who've had Fecal
Body Odor for years. I don't know if it'll work for you, but it can't hurt to try it right? I know, I've been tested for Heavy Metals, Candida, Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissures, Anal Fistulas, STD's and Bacterial Infections and although I didn't have a bacterial infection per say, when I went to see my Naturopathic Doctor, he did mention that I did have a bacterial problem in my gut. I don't think, this is the cause of my rectum odors, but you never know!! So BigJohn, what tests have you had done, to find out the reasons for, why your anal area smells so bad? What did you find out? Was it positive news or negative? Lastly, are you trying anything else right now, to help with your fecal
Body Odor and if so, what are you trying? If you want to get back to me, that'd be cool. I hope that you are doing okay, as I know that people with this condition can become suicidal, but try to hang in there, even though it's extremely tough!! Keep your head up!! Alright, take care. Talk to you later. Bye.