Hey Silvernight, if you get this message, please reply back!!
Hey Silvernight,
My username's Surfer27. I have been a member here on curezone for the last 3yrs. Um, although you don't know me and I don't know you, I read your text and wanted to ask a couple of questions! Okay, um, did you ever suffer with fecal
Body Odor (rectum odor smells), after having a bowel movement? When did you notice, your fecal
Body Odor had started? Was it due to excess drinking, eating wrong, etc, etc, what? Third, have you ever tried Betaine HCL with pepsin for your fbo issues? Lastly, do you know the difference between, taking Betaine HCL and Digestive Enzymes? Are they basically the same thing, or is there something different or better, with the Betaine HCL capsules? If you can get back to me asap, when you get this, then I'd greatly appreciate it alot!! Thanks. Take care. Bye for now.