Well "Wade Boggs". for what it is worth, I have researched and written about cancer extensively and the anti-cancer protocol I suggest is one of the highest regarded by alternative medicine authorities to be found anywhere, as is the e-book I wrote. I rather doubt that I was selected as a moderator for the cancer support forum based on my ignorance or wrongful advice. If you want to know what I know about prostate cancer, I suggest you go to the oleander support forum here and see the prostate cancer testimonial of one or more of those who have followed my advice.
I am a non-fermented non organic soy hater for a reason (and at one time I was among the duped soy advocates) - I have researched it and found that such forms of soy can be decidedly unhealthy and can lead to other forms of cancer. If you have had success with soy, then congratulations. Some people have had apparent success with chemo and Vioxx too, but you won't catch me recommending them to anyone.
On the other hand, I don't know all that much about playing third base, smacking home runs or batting over .300