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Re: High BP and Hawthorne Berries - HELP

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Re: High BP and Hawthorne Berries - HELP

Hi there -

Glad to see that you are going to try the combination I recommended - I think it will work for you, As I said - my husband and I tried many thngs and finally came to this combo. It works great if you eat it about two or three times a day.

As for the Chinese drywall - you are correct - all the things you are experiencing are probably from the drywall.

I went to visit my sister and we did not know - but in the bedroom closet which was next to the bathroom where I slept - there was a leak in the pipe that had been there for a long time. And I wound up feeling sicker and sicker as the week went on.

When I finaly got home I had flu-like symptoms and could hardly breathe. It was then that I realize that there must have been mold which I am highlly allergic to - because at home - I did not have the symptoms anymore after a few days.

So you might want to check your place for the effects of the Chinese drywall. They are probably what is causing your bone pain, etc. That is how I felt.

As for the meat - you have to understand that God made meat for man to eat - the first time an animal was slaughtered in the Bible was when God took an animal to cover Adam and Eve's body. From that point, animals were used to help mankind.

Also - I have always understod that Meat is for Muscle - And when you do not eat sufficient meat - (not too much) you system will suffer an imbalance.

If you study Oriental Medicine - you will see that they believe that for optimum health - you need the Yin and the Yang (the meat and the vegetables). And - Too many fruits will make you weak. And like you said - you will need hormones to make up for it.

I understand the mental problem you have with eating meat - but what are the alternatives - In your senior years you will have broken bones, weak muscles, and wasting diseases. We all need to have balance in everything we eat. So consider that when you eat.

I hope this helps. Sorry if it was too long. Have a great week!


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