I think doctors in the U.S are starting to understand the correlation. They might be a little slow, but if you have women coming in over and over again saying the same thing and they all have the Mirena and many are saying, "Maybe its the Mirena" they do finally "get it". They aren't being intentionally dense. The problem is that Bayer insisted the hormones "stayed in the uterus". The doctors believed them. They probably got some bonus for inserting this into their patients as well. I am not sure how this works. Anyway, in January 2010 the FDA asked Bayer to not print any more of their false pamphlets and to include the symptoms we have been discussing in any new literature that will be given to patients and doctors. If you notice, many of these symptoms are now on the official Mirena website. When I first got my Mirena in 2006 I checked all of the internet thinking my symptoms (especially dizzyness) were related to the IUD but at that time there was NOTHING out there saying it was related to the IUD. Thank GOD we have the internet. I mean really, THANK GOD. With all of the new drugs they are letting through at FDA we will have to really band together and protect one another as we are guinea pigs.