NevadaSmith Re: Dr. Joel Fuhrman
What many people do not know is that Dr Fuhrman has his origins and career-changing move to health via Natural Hygiene, as he was cured of a long-standing foot injury this way, when all else had failed.
He knew Dr H M
Shelton personally.
Dr Fuhrmans knowledge of nutrition is nothing short of par-excellence, but what he does not mention is the principle of proper food combining, which again has its origins within NH.
This allows the body to digest food far more efficiently with little if any fermentation and putrefaction if food combining principles are not adhered to, resulting in more weightloss and minimal toxemia than would otherwise be the case.
Lessons 22 and 23............
Borne out of experience, Dr Fuhrman is absolutely right concerning eliminating salt or sodium chloride (an inorganic mineral) from the diet, and I have to agree with him that
The Master Cleanse is an incomplete and inefficient method of detoxification.
For a complete and most efficient method of detox however, Nature has no equal.
Lessons 45 to 48........................
Best wishes.