I'm now and old fart - 78, they didn't have anti depressants and real
counseling when I was growing up so after starting a family of my own I
eventually started searching, did some counseling but found it a drag,
eventually found meditation and spiritual healing. During that process I
found many things that heal - before it was ever popular. I got through my
depression though the migraines continued on but in a lesser degree until I hit
some PTSD from early childhood about fifteen years ago. Did some
counseling then, got through the PTSD with my meditation, and am feeling better
now than I ever have in my life.
At your age I'm not going to suggest a particular direction, but there are a
load of self-help books out there that you might read. Louise L. Haye and
Debbie Ford are good. Just keep in mind that - you are important. It
doesn't matter what others think of you, what you think of yourself is what
matters. Learn to love yourself and your depression will melt away.