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Re: Eyebright formula question...
Willowley Views: 2,918
Published: 15 y
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Re: Eyebright formula question...

Hi Antique,

That is GREAT news, pretty soon those cataracts are gonna be gone!  There is a testimony in one of Dr. Christopher's newsletters sent in by a lady who said after using the Eyebright for 10 days the cataracts in both her eyes fell away, they were gone.

In one of his newsletters Dr. Christopher gave directions for using the Eyebright.  The only difference is that he had people brewing the tea (today nobody has time to do that), now we use the tincture and he had people doing it three or more times a day and we do 3-6 times a day.

"When cool enough to use, take a glass eyecup of the tea and bath the eye in the cup, exercising the eye as long as possible.  This can be done to start a few counts and gradually five-ten minutes or more.  Pour another eye cupful for the other eye and repeat the procedures as with the first one.  Also, drink a teacup of the eyebright tea and repeat three or more times per day, six days a week.  Do this each week until results you desire are reached."

I would say the longer you can wash each eye the more effective it will be, just like the more times you do it a day the faster you're going to heal. We are supposed to be taking 2-4 droppersfull of the tincture internally each and every time we do the eyewash.

You are doing fantastic!  Please keep us posted about your progress. ;)

Abundant blessings,




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