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Hey SM, need some help or advice
Surfer27 Views: 2,034
Published: 14 y
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Hey SM, need some help or advice

Hi there SM,
My username's Surfer27, but you can call me Surf. Um, I read your post and I can totally relate to you about the fecal Body Odor and not smelling it. Although every now and then, I get whiffs of it and I don't know what to do, or how to handle it. Just to let you know, I have also been struggling with this, for about 4 yrs now. Here below, is a list of all the things I've tried, to get my life back, from this malodor Body Odor problem.
1.Wheatgrass Juice
2.Charcoal Capsules
3.Bowel Cleansers
4.Intestinal Cleansers
5.Colon Cleanses
6.Zinc Pills
7.Hemorrhoid Creams and Suppositories
8.Grapefruit Seed Abstract
9.L Glutamine and Glucosamine
10.Graviola Capsules.
11.B Complex Vitamins
12.Capsules for extreme Body Odor s.
13.Pro M Internal Deoderizer

All of these, are things I've tried,but have not helped me in the least. I am getting frustrated by this. I have already seen a proctologist and he said everything was fine. I have also had a Barium Enema and a Colonscopy and the results were negative for hemorrhoids, fissures, bacterial infections, or fistulas. I am at a loss, as to what this could be?????? This seems to be one mysterious disease. My family doesn't smell the whiffs of the fecal body odor that I do, nor do my doctors and my doctors have said, that there is nothing more that they can do for me. I am needing help desperately!!!! If you can offer me any suggestions or advice into this ailment, that would be great!!! Thanks. Take care.


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