Reza: I have studied ME for quite sometime. ME is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is a vague diagnosis and is somewhat subjective. The idea is that it is caused by a pathogenic organism. There is much debate about the origins, but it can be drawn down to pathogenic. There was quite a bit of debate previously about Epstein Barr virus being the cause, which turned out to be false. Now there is new evidence that a retrovirus XMRV may be to blame. Cytomegleovirus has plagued me or sometime until I knocked it out, it is in the herpes family.
But any pathogenic involvement may be to blame, particularly parasites. Rogue bacteria in the colon has also been linked to it as well as yeasts/fungus.
They do know that HPA axis (hyptothalmus/pituitary/adrenal) is dysregulated as well as the HPG axis which is the hypo/pit/Gonadal. But these endocrine involvements are not themselves to blame but these endocrine systems are involved in modulating immunity, so kill the pathogen and the HPA/HPG axis will reestablish themselves.
I would suggest that environmental toxins and toxic heavy metals will disrupt the immune system significantly as well as nutrient deficiency such as Vitamin D3, magnesium, etc. etc.
I have lots of info if you want it.