The Learning Journey
I have a tendency to write chapters, not posts.
The amount of
parasites I killed with the help of the Alternative Dr (all herbs, no drugs) was amazing. Day in and day out for months on end, I had
parasites of some sort in the toilet..and it definetly wasn't "food fibers", because I was sick enough that I didn't eat much of anything- especially nothing that looked like what I got.
In the 15 years of treating people for parasites, he told me I was the worst infected he's ever had. By the time I gave up on medical Dr's--lots of money later, my husband and I both knew that if we didn't find the answers Dr's couldn't give me for the cause of my ongoing liver damage, I was not going to live to see the age of 50. The last Dr, and Infectious Disease Dr no less, telling me that "we can put you on anti-depressants", like it was all in my head for my chronically hurting liver and elevated liver enzymes..was probably the best thing that happened to me.
By that time, we knew Dr's weren't going to find the core cause of why, after gallbladder surgery a year prior, I was still sick, and getting sicker all the time. I couldn't ride in a vehicle even out of the front yard without that little bit of motion hurting my liver so bad I wanted to cry. My husband turned around and brought me back home one day, and I had barely gotten out of the yard, but he saw the pain on my face from even that small amount of jostling.
No MD's test could have ever found how packed full of
parasites my liver was. When the liver is congested, toxins back up through the entire body. My liver literally felt like a football, or like I say "like a full-water balloon about to burst". I started seeing toilet bowls full of flukes and all kinds of other parasites starting the next morning after I started taking an herbal dewormer I had gotten for my daughter (who had been in Fiji for 3 months)..little did I know the journey I was beginning.
Thank goodness (!) I had started with the Alternative Dr prior to my jumping the gun and starting myself on dewormers. He had first gotten me started with bowel cleansing, and is very adamant that if the bowels are not cleaning out to begin with, no type of detox work should be done. I have been doing an intense bowel cleansing protocal through him for a month prior to starting
parasite killing.
Once I started, he told me that the most important thing that people don't realize when they start themselves parsites killing, is how important it is to "kill them in all their phases", and to not stop once you've started- even if you think you aren't seeing anything. He told me that at the very minium, people that are even "normally infected" should go for 3 months without stopping.
But, not at the same dosages the entire time, and not using the same exact herbal blends the entire time. Different blends of herbs, will hit different parasites from a different angle. And, when I say the dosages of herbs he had me on were alot- people would gasp at what I mean by alot. But, it all depended upon how I muscle tested for what products would work best for what I was killing at that time, and in what dosages. And, most of the time, there were 3-5 products being used together at the same time, and never by what the dosages were on the bottle. If it didn't test for me as being wasn't used. What would test as not being one I needed at one point, would show up several months later as being exactly what I needed.
14 months straight, non-stop, I saw dead parasites in the toilet. That's what I actually saw- no need for a microscope. All kinds of flukes, two large
Tapeworms (and scolexes)--and those suc***s HURT when they are being hit and dying! Dwarf tapeworms; nematodes (round worms) in all thicknesses, and lengths. A couple of very large ones. The first two large ones I hit, I literally could watch my abdomen rolling. It was about an hour after I had taken 4 Tablespoons of Barefoot's dewormer, waited an hour, and taken 4 more Tablespoons. The paper that came with the box of dewormer, said it was something
Hulda Clark used to do with her patient's for tapeworm. They definetly were in the toilet the next morning. And it wasn't mucoid, nor nothing I had eaten. I think it may have been one large one in two pieces, because I later got another very large one, all in one piece.
For months and months, the Premiere Research Lab product with the Holarrhena Antidysenterica (Kutaja Bark) was one that I tested I needed to stay on. At that time, I had no idea exactly what it was supposed to be hitting- but after getting the Rife, and starting to hit specific things, OW- I know what I'm hitting because of exact frequencies for that particular thing, and I know the organs where they are living.
In the long run, yes- frequencies kill parasites, and bacterias, and viruses, and fungi. Herbs can still be used with the frequency generator- which is what
Hulda Clark 's book is all about. She didn't just kill parasites with herbs, the frequency generator was a big part of it.
The good thing about hitting things specifically, is that it's not killing off everything "broad spectrum". Alot of herbs don't just wipe out the bad guys, they also kill the good ones too. The other benefit, is being able to get to the parasites in the harder to reach areas (like the pancreas, brain, lymph,and heart). And, with the right frequencies, they are getting killed in all stages.
Too many things go together, and need to be considered besides focusing solely on the parasites. Like you said, toxins are a major part of it all, and when the liver is over-burdened to begin with, it becomes a condo to all kinds of pathogens too..which plugs it up more..which makes the toxins more of a problem because they can't be processed out. Vicious cycle.
This is an example of what Rife frequencies look like. DNA frequencies are more accurate, and Newport's frequencies have proven to be right on for alot of us on the Rife forum. Lyme coinfections are more common than people would ever imagine, and it's been interesting to see how when one thing is hit- another one pops up.
Alot of these things "cycle", including parasites. When people think they are "all done, and cured", they usually are disappointed to find out that they really aren't as cured as they thought they were. Is there ever an end to having to deal with all of this? If you find out there really are layers and layers of stuff to deal with, it could be a long-term "project", but when you know you either have to fight for your life and do whatever it takes, for as long as it may take, or literally die, becomes an attitude of gratitude for the education that goes along with it. Not cheap, but MD's are letting people down by not wanting to acknowledge this core stuff. People are becoming sicker and sicker at younger and ages. If I have to go through this to be able to recognize that things CAN be dealt with in order to help someone like the MS friend, then my "education" has been well worth it..not easy, and not fun alot of the time, but a definite learning experience.