Some respectable insight but not entirely true. The Gi tract is not completely responsible for the occurance of this disease. Throughout the course of my 5 yr ordeal, I have implemented many of the suggested regimens with no results whatsoever. I also investigated my nutritional deficits with Spectracell Intracellular testing to find a deficiency in only B5. In addition ingestion of Aloe Vera and probiotics for the course of several months failed to yield any results besides a well functioning bowel with plenty of movements per day. The skin remains static. The whole the toxin-skin theory is comletely played out. This serves as just another naturopathic ploy to muster funds from unsuspecting and desperate patients in the industry. Medicine is an industry all around . Don't be fooled by false prophets-not saying you're one. Toxins don't "go" to the skin nor are they "pushed" through anything if the other "pipes" aren't working. The skin is a functioning organ that is impacted by the many physiological processes of the body. Not pipeline to the bowel. Its pseudoscience.