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Re: TESTIMONIAL Re: The Circulation and Movement Program from There Are No Incurable Diseases book 1999, by Dr. Richard Schulze
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Re: TESTIMONIAL Re: The Circulation and Movement Program from There Are No Incurable Diseases book 1999, by Dr. Richard Schulze

So glad to hear that the pfrimmer technique was such a benefit for you!! When you first posted about it, I read it and thought that is what I need. 15 years of severe neck and shoulder pain every second of every day...

When I had money, I would treat myself to a good massage which felt great and was relaxing - but - only gave very short-lived relief. I would say please go harder/deeper in those bad areas but the massage therapists always said no that too deep would just make me sore, etc. But I just didn't believe that and knew that 'for me' I needed more.

After reading about the pfrimmer massage, I looked but there are none who use it in my area. But that led me to finding out about trigger point therapy which may be similar to the pfrimmer technique? Anyway, have been trying to use a form of this on myself for my neck/shoulders as well as my right shoulder. Liver Flushing hasn't helped my shoulder yet since my liver is still so clogged - hopefully that will change after a month of colon/ parasite cleasning though. In the meantime, the very deep working of certain points that are sore in the muscles and digging in across the muscles has definitely helped me especially with my neck and shoulders. Hard to do on oneself though:)

As for dry skin brushing, after doing it for for a little over a year, I can't imagine living without it now!


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