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Herbalitionist - Re: The Circulation and Movement Program from There Are No Incurable Diseases book 1999, by Dr. Richard Schulze
unyquity Views: 3,999
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Herbalitionist - Re: The Circulation and Movement Program from There Are No Incurable Diseases book 1999, by Dr. Richard Schulze

Greetings of health -

Unyquity here, the forum owner. I've been meaning (since your first post in this forum) to post to you, but I simply haven't had the time.

I see that you're a Curezone newbie, so you likely don't realize the difference between public and "private" Support Forums . While open to everyone, private Support Forums (like this) are not only 'governed' the CZ Terms of Service, but ALSO by the forum owner (and any moderators the owner has chosen to help moderation).

On this forum, we follow a fairly "set" protocol, based on the works of Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze (and Dr. Gerson, somewhat)...these great healers were consistently (and safely) successful at curing virtually every disease known to mankind. Hence we rarely focus on "individual symptoms" (as you've done in most of your posts, both on & off this forum), instead we opt (like our mentors) to understand that all symptoms and disease cannot be isolated from each and every aspect of healing and restoring the entire body.

If you choose to continue posting in this forum (which I doubt you will, as from your posting history so far, it doesn't seem like your posts fit in with the protocols or herbal choices of Schulze/Christopher), then I ask that as an "advice giver", that *before* offering advice, you click on each posters name and read/review their ENTIRE posting history.

I also require that all suggestions and advice given to others on this forum be 100% in line with the protocols of Dr. Schulze & Dr. if you're not totally familiar with their protocols and herbal recommendations, you'd need to do quite a bit of research before offering advice.

Of course, you are free to post on all public Support Forums (and if you'd like, you can create a blog or request a forum of your own from the Webmaster). But in private support forums, there are sometimes various 'restrictions' that are not immediately obvious (especially not to newbies).

Healthiest of blessings,


P.S. By the way, your recommendations of "liver tonics" (and assertation that " Liver Flushes and cleanses are trendy and they are a fast home remedy"), and herbal solutions 'customized for each person' sounds very similar to an ex-CZer with the forum "Ask Charlie"...any connections?


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