Yes, I think a blogerydoo would do, and you can name me up too - all of you. But what shall I blog about?
I do have a big bathtub now, with no good filter as I am now a roommate who may not get to choose a chlorine filter until I move to my own space once again. This is why I am lamenting - no solitude/privacy - but like all things this is temporary.
I know about the chlorine thing - haven't had a drop of tap water in 5 years - busy carrying R.O. water home weekly and adding DE. I will most certainly ask Doven about water and my voice - hope it involves singing!!!
So what will I blog about I.C.??? Water is a favorite subject of mine - full of hideous flouride that no one around me wants to know about - not when it's easier to remain in denial and shoot the messenger, while keeping blind faith in the city water treatment facility. LOL to think I swam around in the Mississippi River all my young life and now I'm having a cow over chlorine!