That's exactly what I was saying. There is negative feedback on diets of ALL kinds. I have not heard of anyone who has done long term fasting and had negative results. Yeah, its hard. Yeah, it gives you headaches. The headaches aren't from fasting they are the fasting working to get rid of the crap that you've already consumed, including, but not limited to the lean meats and 100 calorie snacks that are praised on conventional lifestyle changing diets. Its the same way that the body gets sick in order to get well. It doesn't feel good, but the body is trying to make itself well. What happens when we get sick? Oh, right we lose our appetites. Why? Because our bodies say "Hey you, theres something wrong in here. Could you do us a huge favor and stop eating crap so we can have some time to heal? Thanks."
People don't need any more diet and weight loss advice. Don't let other people tell you what is and what is not best for your body. If eating clean works for you, do it. If intermittent fasting is your thing, go for it. If no processed carbs is how u feel best, have at it. Its your body, listen to it.