Re: Echo chamber culture of the quack movement.
"from this scientist create a framework which explains the particular phenomena." admit psuedo scientists of your ilk manufacture rather than observe.
"As more detailed or complex observations are made, the explanation - which may be a theory (in the scientifice sense) but doesn't have to be - is adjusted to account for the new data. "
So your saying psuedo scientists manipulate their data and theories depending on their point of view?
"The old facts however must also be taken into account and while explanations are subject to tweaking and the occasional overhaul facts tend to be more permanent."
"Tweaking"? That sound really scientific.
"overhaul facts"? Sounds like an engine rebuild used in manufacturing.
"The assertion that we can only know anything only if we know evertying is ridiculous and you refute it in your everyday life."
"evertying"? Is that when you put something in knots forever?
"BTW Why does blackngold keep calling everyone Corinthian?"
Because you have a very similar vocabulary and candor in your communications.