He lost the moment s/he tried to poison the well - at least with this crowd- by mentioning quackwatch.
You are conflating theory and fact.
Science based knowledge is based on factual observations, from this scientist create a framework which explains the particular phenomena. As more detailed or complex observations are made, the explanation - which may be a theory (in the scientifice sense) but doesn't have to be - is adjusted to account for the new data. The old facts however must also be taken into account and while explanations are subject to tweaking and the occasional overhaul facts tend to be more permanent.
The assertion that we can only know anything only if we know evertying is ridiculous and you refute it in your everyday life.
BTW Why does blackngold keep calling everyone Corinthian?
From what I read, he punked all of you. In those that I've read, the anti-science groupies eventually reverted to insults, wild rhetoric and a barrage of quotes. He otoh was using science with specific citations to assert his point of view. I'd say he is another example of that the blogger mentions. Anyone promoting a scientific approach gets insulted and banned because you fear the message.
Well, I didn't come here to defend Corinthian, I have nothing invested in this. But he was right. Methanal is a natrual product of our metabolism and the response by bnyfur was at the very least intellectually shallow. I would have responded differently but I can understand the feeling. Dealing with this anti science faction that consistently ingore facts can be frustrating. And to be fair the other guy made it personal first.
You guys make up "facts' and you are blaming him and now me. That's rich.
My too quick to reply counterpart. This is the reason I put quotes. They are not making up facts, they are making up "facts" You need to get out of your little box because these alt-med people have gotten control of your mind with their false claims.
One call also not be educated beyond his intellingence, my babbling friend. Is this one of those phrases you guys throw around?
So..you admit psuedo scientists of your ilk manufacture rather than observe.
Since you have no experience with science and your attituted tends toward the magical, this is an expected response. Read again... they observe and propose explanations for the evidence.
So your saying psuedo scientists manipulate their data and theories depending on their point of view?
Actually from what I've read you guys don't even produce data. Merely corrupt what you can find from legitimate scientists. Or simply make fabricate lies.
"Tweaking"? That sound really scientific.
Since the audience here has proven ineffective discussing science, I am lowering the language to your skill level
Because you have a very similar vocabulary and candor in your communications.
Looks like anyone who promotes an empirical based approach gets called Corinthian. And if you find the language similar, it must be the commonality of those of us who use reason and science.
I don't think you understand that SCIENCE is an emperical approach.
The antivaxxine section doesn't have any science. The occasional study get twisted by exaggerated fears from the peanut gallery.
You have experience packing a suitcase. Don't confuse a figure of speech that includes the word science as real science. That's another fail.
Nice try! There is a Science to using words, and it's not necessarily empirical.
Wrong again. Words are arbitrary sounds and symbols whose definition is set by convetion. This is not science. The rules or language including grammar are also set by convention. Also not science.