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Re: Echo chamber culture of the Psuedo-science blogs
From what I have read on the sciencebasedmedicine blog, it is basically a glorified web-chapter of propaganda-R-us. As usual the majority of the commenters See
Science as being infallible, forgetting the most important theory that even Einstein(though he did his best) could not even's called the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.
The problem with blogs like that, is they lack conscience. Its all about enforcing their vaccine dogma. It's sad to see them try to co-opt
Science just like people have co-opted Christianity. Psuedo-science blogs are part of the new religion where self proclaimed experts indoctrinated by the establishment maintain such a level of cognitive dissonance that changing course is not an option.
"Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between
Science and medicine"
None of the articles I have read on the site have any sort of objectivity. They seem to think people in alternative medicine are against science, when the truth is to the contrary.
Having a conscience means being with and against systematic knowledge. These people only seem to be able to be with science. They do not understand the double edge of human constructs. Proclaimed truth requires trust, and the studies they site are only as reliable as those who have created them.