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Re: Proper stoichiometric mixing of 22.4% MMS solution with 50% citric acid solution
Stephan2 Views: 7,402
Published: 15 y
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Re: Proper stoichiometric mixing of 22.4% MMS solution with 50% citric acid solution

The 22.4% NaClO2 solution was the result of other, small fractions of salts in the commercially available powder - I believe. 1/4 amount of the powder was mixed with 3/4 amount of water, so it should have been a 25% solution but due to the presence of other salts it ended up being 22.4%.

If you get a 28% solution, that is not so different from the 22.4% solution, so you can still use 2 drops of the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for each drop of 50% citric acid . If you have the 10% citric acid solution, then for every two drops of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement you need five drops of the 10% citric acid solution.

Hope that helps!




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