Re: Biblical \"god\" as a Tyrant
Dude the problem is the that the bible is equivalent to a unix/linux based system where you have to be given the proper privileges to access the system.
It would probably look like the code smaple below
class Bible_is_real{
public static void main(String[] args) {
int Gods_Calling= 100;
char Biblical_Understanding;
if (Gods_Calling >= 90) {
Biblical_Understanding = \'You Get IT\';
} else if (Gods_Calling >= 80) {
Biblical_Understanding = \'You Think You Get IT\';
} else if (Gods_Calling >= 70) {
Biblical_Understanding = \'He Is Working On you\';
} else if (Gods_Calling >= 60) {
Biblical_Understanding = \'You do not get it yet\';
} else {
Biblical_Understanding = \'You think this is a crazy book\';
System.out.println(\"The Bible Is Not A Crazy Book= \" + Biblical_Understanding);